Caption: "Ugh.... I an't ay 'nythin ecaus of y ig ead...." (I can't say anything because of my big head) - said morosely the forest-hog-man bearing his enormous head near a furnace.
-A Lesson Before Summoning.
-Real or Fake?
-This smells soooo good!
-Is that the brain?... or is it that one?
-is breakfast ready?
-what's today's special? i am today's special...
-i ate the body... now for the head.. (barf)
-ehh not as heavy as you think.
10-Oct-2010 04:37:56
- Last edited on
10-Oct-2010 04:38:24
BLADE 1213
Caption: How... aboarable
Caption: Playing Runescape for extended periods of time may cause boardom
Caption: Some people just have way too much free time