The Future of RuneScape
Hey everyone!
Here's the transcript for the fourth live Q&A in which Mod MMG and Mod Mark discussed what the future holds for RuneScape! Once again, pass your thanks to Mod Anon for typing the transcript up!
You can watch the video stream here .
1. If the Evolution of Combat is not RS3, what are the major marks or distinctions of RS3?
MMG: The project name is RS3 but what we end up calling it is yet to be seen. We’re trying to bundle together our most formidable update that we’ve ever done both technically, be that graphics or audio, controller input, the full works as well as also some really compelling content. Clearly, the Evolution of Combat (EoC) is a big step forward towards what we’re trying to do but we’re also hoping to have some really interesting and innovative content too that we haven’t spoken about yet and we think that our players will really appreciate.
Mark: We’re really looking for an improved experience for the players, so we’re talking about updated audio, full tunes. I listened to an absolutely amazing few tracks the other day. New tunes for the website, new tunes for the opening experience of the game. We’re also looking at a new top level interface, so new ways for players to interact with the product and also things like an improved world map. It’s really improving those things that you experience and take for granted every day when you’re playing RuneScape. As Mark says, we’re also looking for some really cool pieces of content to put alongside that. I’m keeping my cards a bit close to my chest, really, in terms of what we’ve got planned. 2013 is going to be a massive year for RuneScape. There’s going to be some really, really big things happening from a storytelling perspective and also the game play of RuneScape. From all the years I’ve been here, I’ve never been so excited about a year’s worth of content. RuneScape 3 is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s what we’re going to start with and then you’ll see all the cool stuff that we’ve got planned for the rest of the year.
2. I’d love to see the lag fixed. My computer is no slouch on graphics but crowded areas are still problematic. Would HTML5 mean smoother game play?
MMG: In short, yes. Lag is always a tough one for us because what does lag mean? Is it network loading time, is it a low frame rate, or is it the loading between map squares? But in short, we’re trying to tackle all of those and the expectation is that if your computer can run HTML5 adequately, it’ll be a significantly elevated experience.
Paul: So what do you call lag? I appreciate that different people have different ideas about it.
Mark: Yeah. It’s interesting that different people will shout about lag in the game, and sometimes it is things that we can do something about like where it could be graphics that are running in the area, the amount of players that they’ve got running about but sometimes it is their network and there’s not a lot that we can do about that. So that’s why sometimes it is frustrating when we hear people complaining about lag but actually the issues that they describe or the setups that they’re running or the networks that they’re part of aren’t necessarily anything to do with us. The reason why we want to provide lower settings so you can turn all your settings right down, so if you don’t have a very good connection you can still enjoy RuneScape. One of the key things about HTML5, fingers crossed, is that the game looks better, sounds better, feels better and runs faster. That is really what the bottom line is of what we’re trying to achieve.
MMG: And hopefully in time, play on more devices.
3. Will you do something similar to what you did with classic and leave a few servers that are strictly RS2 while there are new servers for RS3?
Mark: Back when we did RuneScape 2 it was such a huge leap; it was so different from the version of the game that we were running it was impossible for us to migrate everyone over so we gave the players the choice about what they wanted to do, whether they were going to play the old RuneScape which was quite different in the way that a lot of the key functionalities that you performed in the game or you could move over to RuneScape 2.
This time, it’s an upgrade to the entire game and an upgrade to the experience, it’s really not a huge shift in terms of the little bits of game play that the players are interacting with, so that isn’t the plan. Everything will be upgraded to the new game and it won’t need to have that choice because we’re confident that everything that we’re doing are things that players will want to experience.
MMG: We’re not changing the underlying mechanics or systems within the game so it’s going to be played the way it was played before but you can choose whether you still want to use point and click or the keyboard. We’ll give you more variety and choice in terms of how you can enjoy the content rather than having changed the content, per se. It’s the next generation.
4. What can we expect lore-wise in 2013?
Mark: It’s a massive year next year. We’re looking at moving the game forward in terms of the key players that are involved in terms of the NPCs. The relationship between the player and the gods is a really big thing that we’re doing next year and we’re going to be doing a lot more events; a lot more things that are happening now that are relevant to the players right there and then in the game. So, events that they can get involved with which are run over a period of months where the actions that the players have taken dictate how the environment evolves, how the game evolves. That’s really cool and the gods are very central to that storyline.
One of the things that I’ve been talking to the team about this year is the way that the narrative works with the rest of the game. In the past we’ve sort of kept the narrative to just the quests but actually, I think you can make the narrative work for everything and if there’s a little bit of storytelling or narrative involved with a minigame or a dungeon, I think it enriches the experience for everyone. Expect to find lore everywhere and not just tied to the quests.
Paul: Will that be tailored to the player to a point? So everyone’s game will be slightly different, almost?
Mark: Well, kind of. The key thing is almost to allow the players to choose sides and decide what they’re doing and how that’s going to contribute to the game. Let’s say you’re mining, and every time you’re mining you get some additional thing, I don’t want to say too much, and you choose where that thing goes; what god it goes to, what actions it’s supporting and then they’re using that thing to get bigger and then after a certain amount of months you can count up how many things have been given out. This is deliberately cryptic! You can then decide who gets these things and then whoever gets the most things gets to do cool things in the game. I am aware of how many times I’ve said things and to be honest with you, I’m talking about what we’re planning to do next year and we’re not even in October yet.
A lot of these ideas are really fresh in my mind; they’re things that I have discussed with my team in the last week or two. Even though I’m lucky enough to be the lead designer, I don’t want to come up with all the ideas. What I’d rather do is create a really cool framework and say this is the kind of outcomes that I would like and then let my team decide what gets filled. I’m just giving them the pot; they decide how that pot gets filled. I don’t want to tell you too many of my ideas because I know that the team are going to come up with better ones. As always, it’s a case of choosing which ideas we like the most and then deciding which ones we’re adding to the game, but don’t worry, I have a couple of reveals for later on.
5. Any updates for the wilderness to revitalise the art of PKing?
Mark: Yes. We’ve got a big project planned for early next year, specifically involving the wilderness and it will be some of the activities that really start this whole thing rolling for next year. Some of the cool ideas we’ve had are kind of like war bands walking across the wilderness where you’ve got generals and their rank and file. They’re sort of fighting each other and you can choose how you get involved. We’re also looking at putting some more unique resources in the wilderness to encourage non-PKers to go in there. We’ve been looking at all sorts of really cool ideas to do with the way that we can encourage more types of people to go into the wilderness. A lot of the EoC was planned around making PvP combat more interesting and therefore more engaging for more players.
So, big update planned for the early parts of the year, specifically with the wilderness then towards the end of the year we’ve got some other crazy ideas and things that we could do to encourage more people to be there. All sorts of things to do with swapping XP around and things like that. Well, again, these are really early ideas. It’s one of Chris L’s ideas, actually, who was sat here with me last week. It’s just to do with the way that you could go into the wilderness and build up XP resources and when you leave you cash them all in but if you die you can steal not only those resources but the potential earned XP off of people at the same time. It’s a really cool idea, it’s exciting, whether or not we choose to do it next year I don’t really know but it’s some of the ideas that we’ve got on the table right now.
I’d like to do things like improve the agility return from the agility course that’s there, and make it more viable for players to go there and train their agility but obviously then you’re encouraging more people to come and risk their loot. We’re also looking at things like player-jacking, specifically EoC for example will fix the issue where when you eat food, you can suddenly drop out of combat with your opponent and someone else can come in and get involved; that’s going to get fixed. We’ve also had a lot of interesting conversations on pile jumping and player jumping so there are lots of small things that we are planning to do along with a big update at the beginning of the year. We are checking the forums on this topic every day.
6. You re-released Classic. Will you ever re-release other versions such as the 2004-2006 period?
MMG: No.
Mark: There we go. We’re interested in the future. We’re interested in making cool content for the future, not looking back at the past. I also think, quite often people look at these things with rose-tinted glasses. They believe the past to be more exciting than the now because they think fondly of those memories. I love cartoons, I’ve loved cartoons all my life and it is interesting when you look at satellite TV when suddenly they’ll run a whole load of old cartoons, Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds, for example. I watched a couple of episodes of that the other day and I was very, very disappointed. I remember how much I loved it when I was a kid.
Paul: The theme song’s still got to be great though. That was my favourite bit.
Mark: That was the main reason for watching it, and him chopping up the apple, I seem to remember very clearly. But the memory I had for it was so much better than actually watching it again. I was kind of disappointed. I often think that that’s how people think about RuneScape sometimes. They think about the experiences they had then in their life, especially when people were still at school and they were very relaxed and having fun and now they’re a bit more grown up, a bit more adult and they think about those days quite fondly. I’m not saying that there weren’t some really cool bits of game play there but I love the way that the game has evolved and I want to carry on evolving the game. It’s really strange that one of the things we’re most famous for is the frequency of updates that we do. If all you wanted to do was play one game that never changed, I’m not quite sure why you’d choose to play RuneScape.
Paul: Are there elements from the game that you do fondly recall and may want to bring back?
Mark: Yeah. Rangers often talk fondly about the old days because there were things like the magic shortbow special attack that was overpowered. You could really dominate in combat with something like that and we changed it and they often think quite nostalgically about the time when certain things were balanced in a different way. Although that’s probably not such a great example because I feel like I’m short-changing rangers at the moment although EoC will really bring them back up. I expect to see a lot more rangers and mages running around. Usually, actually all the time we change these things for very good reasons. Sometimes it is difficult for people to understand those reasons as much as we try to explain ourselves. I still miss classic in many ways. I loved my PKing in classic. I like the fact that combat was based around a three-hit exchange that was going on. I loved that kind of content. I try and do a bit of PKing in the classic these days and I hardly ever see anyone which is the right thing because we were focusing on the way the game evolved and now we’ve got a so much better game than we ever thought we could possibly have than eight, nine years ago. I’m going to keep looking forward.
7. When will RuneScape be playable on different devices?
MMG: There’s no date as yet but it is something the team are looking at and actively working on as we speak, so hopefully early next year.
Mark: A lot of the tech that we’re working on now allows us to think about those kind of things in the future.
8. Have you ever considered making RuneScape a console game with online game play supporting systems like PS3 and Xbox?
MMG: Some of you guys may remember four years back when we had a project where we wrote software that would actually output our code onto the Wii and we got very excited about that. Then, the more we explored the possibility with the various platform holders we very quickly realised we couldn’t update our content weekly in those days, which for us would be terminal.
In those days, F2P was not acceptable at all, and one or two have changed their stance on that now. The thing that was an absolute no for me at the time was when every one of them said that you couldn’t play with another platform’s community. They all wanted their own little walled gardens and we did not want to fragment our community for the sake of a device. If that changes in time then I think it is something we will look at but we’re probably more excited about tablets and the other upcoming devices be it smart TVs or anything else like that, where we think the future is going. Perhaps at some point we’ll go full circle and sweep up the consoles too. Technically speaking, there’s no reason why we couldn’t or wouldn’t but it’s just not a priority right now, given all the other things we’re working on.
Mark: It’s also worthwhile saying that RuneScape is an incredibly rich world. There’s so much content there; so many different ideas, so many groups, clans, stories, environments. It’s what we call a really strong I.P in that you could take the RuneScape logo and you could come up with a beat-em-up game, you know, streetfighter style, combat, gods fighting gods, come up with crazy little minigames to do with chinchompas; you could do all sorts of different things. It would be really nice to see other products out there that use the RuneScape Logo and use our ideas but which aren’t necessarily RuneScape, like spin-off titles.
MMG: Well we were going to do that on mobile. We are working on a project for RuneScape which does exactly that. As you play this content offline it helps you support your character online.
Mark: Again, these are some really early discussions right now. It’s a really cool idea. Imagine that you’ve been playing on your PC at home and then you’re on the way to work; you’re on the train. Wouldn’t it be really cool if you could carry on interacting with the game that would be really cool and fun to play? Who knows? You could earn some stuff in the game that you could then use in RuneScape whether that was gold or XP or anything like that. IT would just be a really cool thing to do. We would love for our players to be able to interact with the game and also interact with the community no matter where they were. What if you had a little app on your iPhone where you could still log in to RuneScape, still talk to your friends, look at the prices on the Grand Exchange, those kinds of things? It would be other ways for people to still be connected to their avatar even though they’re not sat in front of their PC at home, and that would be really cool stuff to do.
9. Has development for the new skill started yet?
Mark: Yes! So, first proper reveal of the day. We are currently working on two skills. We’re working on a gathering skill. When I say gathering skill I mean things like mining, woodcutting or things like runecrafting where you actually are gathering the materials, and then another skill which is more like a finishing skill or a production skill as we call them where you’re doing cool things, making new things to use in the game. Those two skills might not necessarily be linked together. I’m not thinking about a new mining and smithing but it’s that kind of thing. We’re looking at a new gathering skill and a new production skill and both of those are in development right now, and they are also linked to the whole change in lore that we have got planned for next year.
No sailing at this time, but don’t forget that we are doing Player-Owned Ports and that is going to be you, building a port, attracting captains, changing your ships, building a crew, sending your ships off to look for certain things and certain adventures. Whilst you yourself aren’t actually on the ship doing things, you’ll get to wave to them and they’ll send you cool little messages as they go along. We’ve been having quite a lot of fun recently, creatively coming up with cool names for ships or coming up with technology to allow players to build their own ship names and those kinds of things. I’m not intending to do anything like sailing just now but player-owned ports is sort of the first step in that direction.
Paul: Will people be able to customise their ships or anything?
Mark: Yup. So, how much do I want to say about this? Yes, you will be able to upgrade your ships, change your masts and do various different things with all the different parts of your ship like cannons or rigging or crew, changing hull size, different kinds of cargo, you know all that. It will be very tweakable. There will be no SvS combat to start with. As always, with every update we ever do, we’ve had say; a thousand ideas and a hundred of those will be put in to player-owned ports. We’ve got all sorts of ideas that we would like to do in the future and more expansions to the idea. It’s incredibly high-level content. We need to look after our high-level players but not forget about everybody else.
10. Can you please stop delaying the elf series? Seriously, can Mod Chris L move onto it as soon as he is done? Quests are more important than bosses as quests usually contain bosses anyway.
Mark: I don’t quite understand the logic there but I love the elf storyline. The problem with that is that we know that the next quest we produce for the elves are going to be a huge amount of effort for us. Not that they aren’t worth the effort but if you decide to put your effort on that it means you’re not doing something else. The elf storyline, the next part of that, we’re talking about a huge elf crystal city. It’s a massive, massive job not only for graphics but for game play, testing, design, audio, everything. We’ll probably ask for more engine support as well if we were going to do something cool like that.
The HTML5 type stuff that we’ll be working on, all the really cool new things that you can do with upgraded graphics, shading, lighting, and textures, all of those kinds of things would be really good for us to have so that we can make a crystal city properly shine. It’s not something that we’re working on right now. I’ll be honest with you and say I’d be very surprised if we did anything with the elf storyline in 2013 although I’d be very surprised if we didn’t at least start working on it for 2014. We’ve thought about if for ages. It’s been on my top ten list for five years. It’s not that we don’t want to do it we just think that there are bigger things, more exciting things that we can be doing.
I know that a lot of people love the elf storyline. It is one of my favourite storylines but we’ve been doing other things like the cool Morytania content that we’ve had recently, and doing things with that storyline, the effort that we have to invest to do those kinds of things makes it impossible for us to also do something like the elves. I’ve got a lot of favourite storylines, elemental workshop’s one of my favourite storylines in the game. I love the puzzles and I really enjoy that kind of content as a player but again, it’s huge effort to produce content like that and at the beginning of every year, like now, we say from our wish list, which are the ones we actually want to do and then what do we want to do that wasn’t even on the wish list in the first place? Things like EoC, for example has been on my list for longer than the elf one.
11. Why did you take down Falador Party Room?
Mark: I don’t understand this question. I was surprised. You know what, I said I’d better go take a look in Falador to make sure it is still there and make sure that Party Pete has not gone off on some sort of long sabbatical or gone off on a bender.
Paul: Or shut down by the local authorities!
Mark: Yeah. For wearing an offensive afro in a built-up area. It’s still there, it’s still working. I went to world 2 the other day and had a cool party. The balloons were still dropping. It’s still there in Falador in the north-east corner.
Paul: Elizabeth, you might just be lost.
Mark: We did move it, it has moved around a few times over the years. But if she says where the Falador party room is, I would assume she knows that it is in Falador. Please tweet in and tell us why you can’t find it or what’s wrong with it, because I’m not sure.
Paul: Maybe it’s like a secret invite-only underground scene, now.
Mark: Party Pete is too much of a party animal to do invite only stuff. He believes that everyone should party equally. Word.
12. People have now been waiting for more than two years to even see a single update in Construction, let alone a large one. Because of this, Construction is one of the least-trained skills. The skill has been in dire need of a large revamp. Looking at the graphics of player-owned houses, when will Construction finally see these updates?
Mark: We have got a construction update planned for next year which is specifically to encourage people to train their own construction levels. Benefits that you can have in your house that only you could use, because a lot of construction you could go to anybody’s house to do it and actually, prayer training is still pretty good to do via altars in your player-owned house. I’ve got a graphics team that are absolutely chomping at the bit to rework the houses. They would love to do that and I intend fully to allow them to do that as soon as we’ve done all the stuff that we’re trying to do now such as reworking the surface areas, upgrading player armour and all of those kinds of things in the short term. Long-term, there are some really cool things we’d like to do with player-owned houses. I was chatting to Mark this week about ideas like player-owned villages, player-owned towns, player-owned cities and the idea of actually taking these cool houses that are player-built and building a street out of it. So you’ve got neighbours, you’ve got people who live near you, your friends, building a little village out of you and your friends’ houses, those kinds of things.
Paul: So maybe instead of having your own home world you might have your village which could be on a set world, or instanced?
Mark: I’m not sure. Again, with the cool technologies that we’re playing around with at the moment the world is our oyster, really. So you’ve got your clans, you’ve got your citadels and you’ve almost got streets of houses for you and your friends. Again, the technology we’ve been looking at recently would mean that maybe it could be instanced; maybe it could exist on a world. Years and years ago, we posted all sorts of crazy ideas around 2002, 2003 to do with the idea of actually being able to buy land on the main game-world and being able to tweak it and make it your own. Whilst at the time that was pie-in-the-sky thinking, we are closer to being able to achieve something like that. I’m not about to say that we’d be able to do that straight away in 2013 but it’s the kind of cool thing that we are really excited about.
MMG: Specifically the user-generated content aspect about it.
13. The forums! When are we getting a full-scale update like text effects, hyperlink QFC’s, better-organised profiles, F2P avatars and more? There is a whole list of great updates for the forums that has been stickied for some time in the website and forums forum and seems to have been ignored. Can we get an ETA on when you’re planning to help out the forums?
MMG: I don’t have an ETA but I can tell you it’s in our top ten of things to do. It’s not the content team that work on that, it’s a separate team called the web systems team. They’ve been flat out doing things like JAG and other updates for us, but it’s way up there on the list of things we want to do.
Paul: Why is it we have the sort of forums that we do?
Mark: Because we’ve got a really cool community! I couldn’t begin to tell you.
MMG: I think part of it is just evolution. It’s just been how the tech has grown up, if you will.
Mark: I think it’s just that we as a company have grown and our forums and game have grown. We have to update those things and the forums are one of the things we really want to work on. You mentioned the thread, the idea of video links, all of that kind of stuff. Being able to embed videos, being able to do more cool things with your avatar, being able to customise the way that you post, they are all things we’d love to do, we just need the people to do it and we’re just not working on it right now.
MMG: Having said that, we are doubling the size of the team. There are 13 vacancies so far. If people have keen interest in Java and other languages and enjoy working on web systems, we’re looking to grow the team ASAP.
14. Are you going to re-introduce tutorial island, and if so, when and what would it be used for?
Mark: There are no plans to reintroduce Tutorial Island. In fact, we are intending to move/delete Tutorial Island in the very near future. The Ariane quests that we are working on at the moment heavily feature the wizards’ tower. The wizards’ tower has always been a bit small and pokey for us and we’ve wanted to do some cooler things with it. If you think about the land-mass of RuneScape, we’re extending the size of the wizard’s tower so we can get more wizards in there and do some really cool stuff. The graphics team have excelled themselves and it looks absolutely amazing. We’ve got Ariane content planned for November this year, similar to the Ozan quests where we released two quests at the same time, that’s the sort of thing we’re planning to do. So in order to make room for the wizards’ tower, we need to move or delete Tutorial Island. Players haven’t been there for a very long time so we’re intending just to get rid of it.
Now, I’ve read a lot of ideas on the forums over the years and a load of ideas from our own members of staff to do with the idea of the return to tutorial island where you go back to an island which is all overgrown and the NPCs there have gone a bit mad and the training rats that you used to fight when you were a low level have all grown up, and the whole place is now overrun with these big rats. It’s a really cool idea. The problem is that that tutorial has not existed in the game for some time. We’ve had all sorts of different attempts at tutorials over the years and the one that we’ve got running at the moment in Taverley/Burthorpe I think is the best one we’ve ever done. It is very much a nostalgia thing.
The idea of having this crazy island where everyone that goes there is on this nostalgia trip about what they used to do, there would be more players that had no idea what it was, that never went there, that only ever read about it so they’d just get really confused. So I think I would confuse more people than make happy if I were to do a return to tutorial island style update. However the idea of going to a place that’s all overgrown and you have to chop stuff away and creatures have mutated, those are cool ideas we could use for other content but I don’t think that it would be right for it to be on Tutorial Island because so many people haven’t been there or experienced it.
Take the classic cape for example. You’ve got an emote where you get a little think bubble that comes out of your head. Most people had absolutely no idea what that was and were saying that it was awful, why we did that and that it was really cheap. Why did you do a thought bubble when you could’ve done a really cool emote? But that was the whole joke because we couldn’t do animations in classic, or at least they were just kind of frames so you’d be fighting like that (one frame at a time). Ah, the memories. So, a load of people were looking at it, wanted to get this cape because it was a new item in the game but had no concept of what it was or what it represented. I think you’d have as many people getting confused about Tutorial Island so that’s why I wouldn’t do it.
15. What and when can we expect at the return of Zaros? It’s been a year since Ritual of the Mahjarrat and the storyline is one of the most intriguing in the game.
Mark: So, big things with Gods next year, as I’ve said earlier. I’m really changing the relationship between the gods and the world and there’ll be all sorts of really cool stuff going on next year. Some of it will be involving the forces of Zaros.

02-Oct-2012 14:26:39 - Last edited on 02-Oct-2012 16:45:16 by Mod Mike