"I play RuneScape mainly on my own to relax, and spend most of my time quietly working away on my skills. I take great pleasure in my achievements in RuneScape, but I have never felt the need to judge myself based on other people's achievements. It doesn't matter to me if anyone wants to buy spins or use the store, it's their game after all, they can play it however they want to (Within the rules OFC ). I guess that is why i have some trouble understanding the reaction of some players to the update, as another player getting an xp lamp really means nothing to me."
Really Sabre? That's the best you can come up with?
Because that argument applies equally to botters, to people who buy gold, to people who hack and phish. You don't care if people bot or buy gold, it doesn't affect your game? Even MMG said selling gold would ruin the game, and yet, your little argument there that you've been working so hard on for months, supports buying gold and botting just as much as it supports SoF bought spins.
Why did you even add "within the rules OFC" when the philosophy of your answer means it's not necessary for them to follow the rules, it doesn't affect you right?
If you cannot come up with an argument supporting SoF that doesn't also support botting and buying gold from sources other than Jagex, then you're just being a hypocrit. You're just telling lies to support SoF, because either you don't believe what you're saying, or you do, and you support botting and gold buying as well.
There are no two ways about it.
Obviously, the reason that after months of trying, you still can't come up with a reason why bought spins are ok but botting and gold buying isn't, is that bought spins are indeed just as bad as botting and gold buying. They are pay to win, they are using irl wealth to succeed at runescape, they are completely at odds with the core values of the game.
How do you live with yourself having to deliberately lie to your customers?
15-Sep-2012 09:45:44