@ Moerdred “In particular (@Mod MMG) you had a few interviews with Develop online, etc that were against this idea. Similarly Jagex was always "anti RWT" and against micro transactions as a whole.
The only reason we're so bitter towards it is you going against your own values, that's all.”
I totally understand the sentiment and if I could do what my heart wants I genuinely wouldn’t charge a penny for RuneScape but rather prefer to give this amazing social entertainment experience to everyone in the world for free - however sadly the game wouldn't exist in that scenario, sure I don’t "like MTX" just like I didn’t like having to increase the price of membership for that matter either; however both measures were genuinely needed to ensure there is indeed a RuneScape around in 5~10 years from now and unlike others you mentioned I completely refused to let or accept our great game or community should be left to swiftly decline to zero.
As commercial as it sounds, to turn things round we needed to supplement years of falling revenues and reinvest the returns so that we could try and achieve growth again. However you will all know that when we increased the membership price we did everything to still look after the best interests of our valued members by grandfathering everyone on their old price if they maintained their membership, likewise we made very sure that when we introduced MTX it would be done fairly, democratically and with the least possible impact on the game – we give a ton away for free and for those that can’t be asked to earn extra free spins they can buy a few, for the 10% of players that don't use Squeal no worries either.
These decisions were indeed “sub optimal” commercially speaking but the trade-off was the determination to do our very best to look after the interest of the players at the same time.
14-Sep-2012 22:19:47