What does 200million accounts mean to you?
It's amazing, what game is there to say that they have two-hundred-million accounts. It also means that there is a huge community who likes this game, including me. But 200 million is so much, its 13 times the poupulation of holland, I mean like: ...that's alot...
What’s your fondest RuneScape memory?
Absolut** sure about this: the turtorial island, where it all began. Having a hard time to figure out how camera angle changing works, and the magic part, which was really hard to figure out for a 10 year old Dutchie. What really is an awesome memory aswell are the falador and varrock bank tradeing districts, those were awesome, and sometimes I do kind of miss them ='(
What content would you like to see in RuneScape’s future?
Im not so fond of new items and such, but I do really enjoy the bosses, and wanting to kill them, and therefore putting alot of time and effort into a specific skill (like combat related skills). Another awesome thing would be a new slayer dungeon, where you would have to slay a specific boss, and get slayer experience for it. So in this dungeon you could get kree'ara as a slayer monster. Or corp. Would be awsome.
19-Jun-2012 13:20:01