Hi guys,
I just wanted to pop into to reassure you that this certainly hasn't dropped off our radar and to let you know where we are right now with the idea.
When we launched the thread it was to get feedback on whether such a project would be interesting to the community. Your feedback was very positive and the suggestions and ideas you threw up have really helped inform us as to how we could go about it. We concluded that yes, we'd love to make a newsletter and so once Mod Mat K has finished his current project he'll be devoting a lot more time to it so that we can get out first newsletter up and running asap.
I think it's going to be about the end of the month that Mat will pick this up but as we've already got stacks of really helpful feedback, it'll be a case of coming to a final conclusion on what will go in to the newsletter and deciding its frequency. I reckon it'll take us around 10 hours a week to compile it so fortnightly seems reasonable. Having said that, Mat will be looking into that so he may have another idea on that.
So there you go guys. We can't wait to get this going but with only so many hours in the day and just one Mat, he needs to finish his current project first. =)
Paul M
15-Oct-2009 13:38:40