Is it possible for mining equipment bonuses to be introduced, so we can move away from the current system of reducing the cooldown by 1 tick per tier?
Furthermore, could mining level determine how many ores you can receive from one resource? Currently, low level resources such as iron approach 90+% accuracy at a very low level, so the xp/hour doesn't increase after unlocking rune/dragon pickaxes.
Could smithing also be compressed, so that reaching 85 smithing would unlock the ability to smith all rune equipment, for example? This would open a space for higher leveled, potentially untradeable gear, which would certainly be appreciated by many.
Other skills also have no use in the metagame, other than for completionist's sake. Could fletching, runecrafting, crafting, etc. receive something useful?
When combat is updated, will the current triple-dice system still be in place? If not, could the new system be transferred to other skills?
13-Apr-2012 20:59:54