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13-Apr-2012 20:51:13

Sudo rm rf
Sep Member 2011

Sudo rm rf

Posts: 997 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I still have another question, i really liked the cutscene of the trolls with Ozan, could there be more movies like a little story? I really LOVE the Mahjarrat/Dragonkin series, and i would love to see a short story movie. Could there be made some videos about the gods, mahjarrat, the rise of Zamorak etc?

13-Apr-2012 20:51:20

I Versace I
Nov Member 2023

I Versace I

Posts: 42 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi, Thank you so much for taking you time to answer our questions.

Any chance you can bring back the old way that you use to fire spells and how they used to look like with their original sounds especially the ancient magic's and the lunar as well? I really miss the old way and how they used to sound like.

Also, will you ever make an update will the player gets to choose how they want to view how item's look like? Ex. Like how you updated all the armors, is their going to be an option were you can view them the old way? That would be great! =)
Bunch of noobs ^_^

13-Apr-2012 20:51:54



Posts: 804 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Mod Philip

Q: Are there any plans to improve the reporting system? It just seems as though all the bots i report nothing seems to be done about them. With the upcoming Optimus update, I'm positive that the gold farming bots will transfer their goods before this would happen so is there any plans to launch Optimus expectantly? I remember in the past this was done in Runescape Classic and it caught many botters by surprise.
@Mod Chris_E

Q: Is there any possibility of a Runetek6 Engine that could support the expensive high end latest graphics cards from Nvidia and ATI? It would seem that every area that gets updated with higher quality such as Burthrope, later ends up being a lag zone. Unless it has something to do with the FPS Issue.
@Mod Stevew

Q: As a maxed player and veteran, community management is something i also take pride into doing. I've also been apart of the historic Runescape classic days, is there a possibility of having me reviewed to become a player moderator? I've been constantly reporting bots on the High level forum since Mod Chrisso used to host those events! Also is there anything to be done about the Flower game hosts? I usually report them as well.

13-Apr-2012 20:53:23 - Last edited on 13-Apr-2012 21:11:13 by Angelkim180



Posts: 4,991 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey keep up the great work. My questions:

a) Fishing is rapidly becoming the slowest skill to train. Anything interesting lined up on the horizon in a similar vein to quicker training methods for other skills (i.e. faster xp but no resources earned)?

b) The Morytania legs devalued the majority of runecrafting teletabs other than blood - can we get a refund on our previous purchases? :P

13-Apr-2012 20:54:40

lP lUl lR lE
Feb Member 2018

lP lUl lR lE

Posts: 216 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@whichever mod want's to answer----Any chance we can get an update on when BH is coming out? Anyone can tell that wilderness is dead compared to it's bh world days because of a few things. One, risking isn't required to profit because you can one item and get a kill, and this sort of behavior is contagious, making more and more people convert to one iteming. Also, there is no centralization like when there was only w18 and w65 pking, this has hurt the pking activity even more because everyone is so spread out.

If you don't mind suggestions here's one I've been thinking of for awhile. Make it so that the BH fighting area will require a certain item, like a totem or something that allows you to pass into the battlefield. This totem will be worth a constant value that you set, and it can be bought and sold for that exact amount from/to an NPC in the bh area. This means that even if people want to one item, they will have to bring at least the totem, therebye risking at least the totems value to pk in the bh area. These should most likely be stackable because some people can get multiple kills in one go and having them clutter your inventory would be annoying. Also, they can't be droppable inside or protected over if that prayer works in bh so that it is a definite drop when you kill someone, no matter what you should get this totem on a successful kill in the bh area. I think this will mimic the 76k rule for getting loots like it used to but it isn't exploitable like it was because generated drop table loots are a thing of the past for pking.

Sorry I know it was a huge message but it's been on my mind for awhile and wanted to let someone know, who knows maybe you guys will find it useful.

13-Apr-2012 20:55:06

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13-Apr-2012 20:55:55

Jul Member 2019


Posts: 17,032 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Steve, u cover FMod I hop?

In regards to forum moderating: are there sections of this forum that have slacker rules specifically the Off Topic section of the HLF, and if this is the case is there any particular reason? I ask as I've seen certain enlightening images that suggest that may be the case.

On a personal account related query I was recently in a "discussion" with a forum mod regarding the actions of another moderator on a random thread, and let's just say neither of us would back down and it carried on for a couple of days, haha.

Now during this he said I was lucky to not be banned and that due to my continued ignoring of him/rules (Just to clarify had he checked the time stamp he would have known I wasn't ignoring him) he was passing the subject on, not that I particularly want to be banned, but was this an empty threat? A mere triviality if truth be told.

Another concern of mine, and from what I've seen others, is how are we to know if a J mod has looked into a query of a moderators actions. Yes we could take yours and the moderators word for it, but sadly people are very skeptical of this (myself included if I'm honest). Perhaps a post on said thread I mean if you are checking the thread a follow up would be nice and also state abusers of it would be harshly dealt with or something.

Previously if I had a query about an action I would pop onto the Forum emergencies thread when a mod was active post my query wait 5-10 minutes and be told yes they made a mistake or you were a naughty boy.

I spend most of my time on the Off Topic section of this forum and it has saddened me to see the community forced into exile so to speak. Is there any possibility that rules regarding sensitive subjects religion, science (evolution, cloning etc), politics and other subjects that occasionally cross over will be allowed (No harm in asking though I can predict the answer). I know Crow attempted to encourage some form of stimulating discussions before he was sadly take

13-Apr-2012 20:56:36 - Last edited on 13-Apr-2012 21:19:20 by Wilf

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