I sure Hope she has level 5 slayer. That Crawling hand in the background is looking kinda peckish!
a LOT of weird things have gone down at masquerade parties but surely this has gotta take the cupCAKE!
"I know it was much to ask for less random events, but morphing the Sandwich Lady with the RuneScape Mime is just a little bit too far."
"Introducing the newest RuneScape villain. Madame StealYoCupcakes."
"Now that I've found these cupcakes, I can finally get back to finding those dalmatians."
"Someone just had to make a Nex costume..."
"The sandwhich lady while on the ancient spellbook tried to use Bake Pie, and here are the results..."
"Now time to go give Snow White her birthday surprise poison cupcakes, err I mean cupcake"
" Hello my little enemies, uhmmm... mates!!! i have got these wonderful cakes this time with me............. be careful while choosing!!!!! - The Sandwich Lady, Muuhhoohahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! "