you just made me think twice about the possiblilaty that i would ever get a ticket
so sad draconic visage dang there are peaple who have gone years without a visage then there are those who get them on the first try i can barely kill a black dragon let a lone get 1 ticket out of the 24 tickets out of the 120k(or more this is just peaple logged in atm) people that play runescape
05-Mar-2010 19:13:24
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05-Mar-2010 19:14:25
i wanna win sssssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooo bad i live in S.A so i can bring BILTONG (in case u dont know wat this is its dried steak with spices on and its yum
*nudge nuudge*) good luck every1
from the winner of the big tickets (all of them)
i like spam on sandwiches