Left: "Hey I bet everyone would actually love to get a stocking full of coal for Chistmas on Runescape."
Right: *Thinks to himself* I think a stocking full of coal is all he's getting from me on Christmas.
Well, i clicked on the link for terms and conditions, but it just lead to 'forums***', so correct me if i'm doin' it wrong.
LEFT: Are you really sure? I mean, he's a CAT. With a rune sword, herald kiteshield, and a Christmas hat. Where the heck is he, anyway? How did he even get all that stuff?
RIGHT: Um.....First player on RuneScape in a frozen settlement?
LEFT: Ugh.....see, THIS is why you didn't get that promotion yesterday.
Santa has his list made, he's checked it over for the second time. Apparently he's recruited his pet cat to deal with the naughty side of the list. He needs some better help, as his elves haven't started making the gifts needed for the nice list yet.
Mod Markg: "what are you looking at huh, oh yeah I forgot you want my santa hat"
Mod Zach: "He thinks he owns everything here at Jagex yet he forgets that he bought his santa hat, instead I found mine back in 2002.