"My Little pony, My Little pony, isn't the world a lovely place"
"FFS wheres mod poppy"
"get your hands off my horn! you cant grind me down!"
"latest update: mounts"
"dicing! horse game@@@"
05-Dec-2011 11:51:42
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05-Dec-2011 11:56:06
Party Pete: "Yo Unicorn Stallion, I'm real happy for you, and imma let you finish. But anti poison is the best potion of all time! All time!"
"Party Pete prepares to reenact a live action version of Robot Unicorn Attack."
05-Dec-2011 15:00:52
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05-Dec-2011 15:06:42
Ivan Strife
"The unicorn, like Party Pete, is a lonely, solitary creature that symbolizes hopes and dreams. Keep on partying!"
"Identical Twins!"
"Two titans clashing!"
"I thought unicorns were more... fluffly!"
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@JagexHelpGavo |
No pixels were harmed in the making of this signature!
I l;ove captions. I really do.
"One unicorn open sleigh."
"So I was thinking we could do your mane into an afro too..."
"Newest addition to the Pete family: Pointy-Pony Pete."
"Woooo! Party! Hey buddy... Why the long face?"
"Party Pete horsing around again."