This stunning photograph shows the final moments before "Party Pete", 28, from Falador was stampeded in what authorities are calling a "freak herblore accident". No charges are pending.
Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don't look around my eyes, look into my eyes, you're under. I have not taken your red party hat from your house, this is mine 'Oh, oh, oh, oh'. Three, two, one... You're back in the room.
or maybe
I know you think my hairs cool, but sorry mate my hairstylists number is top secret!
"Is it me or did you bite my arms off?"
"H-huh? Oh sorry, I thought you were Mod Emilee."
"Oi! You're only supposed to take pictures of me when I'm partying!"
"Why is there a unicorn sleeping on my neck? Did I have too much beer?"
Hired to cure hangovers
Which one is Party Pete?
So, whaddaya know? Party Pete has 88 Summoning!
Party Pete's best friend, also his Neiiiggghhhbour!
My statue will win for sure! Prison pete has only done a balloon one, mine is more authentic.
*Unicorn is nudging him on the chest* Pete: Ahh.. so thats where that rice crispie went!
Quit horsing around and help me find my comb.
20 years of watching Have I Got News For You has led to that, I am dissapoint.
Foal play suspected at the annual balloon bursting party
16-Dec-2011 20:54:12
- Last edited on
16-Dec-2011 20:55:47