This is a neat idea - oughta be pretty fun to watch. I gotta say, Jagex is doin a damn good job lately (and I'm usually the pessimistic critic).
My money is on woox.......
First of all a big grats to Woox16
Secondly, as for the Nex glitch, I still found it pretty hard to use this, and although he wasn't the only one to do this, he was the only one to do a lot of other things that no-one else could do. I think those who are speaking down on him for the nex abuse should stop, because you couldn't do 1/4 of the stuff he has done and is irrelevant to his skill.
Also @ the post above me, yeah, I went to RuneFest and saw their community something session, can't remember the name but it was about their plans etc and they really seem focused on improving their community and being a lot more interactive with the players. It seems to be going great I must say
First and foremost, you do not have an idea who i am. I can rant because i am in fact in the INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY and PROGRAMMING INDUSTRY. And programming in Java is not that hard. If you knew ANYTHING about programming and you were GOOD at it, you would know what i'm talking about. Like i said, from when they made Runescape "2" which is "runescape" now as it is in 2003 until now, nothing has changed. They have added.. what...over 100 quests and thats it? 5 new skills in 8 years? Really? See hulu unlike you, i'm a Professional in the same business these programmers for Jagex are. And if they were "GOOD" programmers , we wouldn't have little pixels running around talking in text. We would be hearing them voice talk, you would have actual graphics such as a little blood and many many other interface options to choose from instead of this simple interface they give us. However in the time i've been playing this until now nothing has changed. I feel like it's the same game it was 5 years ago when i started.
yeah lately all the updates has made rs like a different game (for the better, ofc). Progress in the war on bots, well-designed quests, dominion tower, player interaction are all good things.
And yes, pulling off woox's feats is no easy task by a long margin, even with excellent reflexes. In my corp solos I've come nowhere close to what that dude has done.
03-Nov-2011 16:54:29
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03-Nov-2011 16:54:48
LOLOLOLOLOL. Dude , are you like...hidden in a cardboard box all day?
Ever heard of World of Warcraft? 15 million people playing online AT ONE TIME. The most Jagex can get on at one time is 200k if they are lucky. WOW has over 1k quests, has a map that is 5-6 times bigger than Runescape , and comes out with expansion packs every couple months that pretty much CHANGES THE WHOLE ENTIRE GAME. Yet the only thing jagex can offer us is... 1 quest a month...and "hooray to blah blah for blah blah" Way to go Jagex. That makes me want to so keep spending 5 bucks a month!
Give me a break.
Hi this is david the owner on jbscot1 (aka- king haseo k) and i havent played in about 7-8 months and when i hoped on my account and played for maybe 20 mins or so i was woodcutting yews with sum peeps and was burning the yews and was haveing fun till bots came back in the game so he left to do sumthing else than i lagged out and loged back in and i whent back to cutting willows and burned sum willows then started to drop them agin while talking to a friend in private chat and than i get logged out and couldent logg back in and checked my messages and than i appealed and the message sead i was useing a bot. i dont know why or what there must be a mix up or sumthing cus or glitch i never use bots and i played that account for over 3 years and never used one even once. and payed for over a year of membership. and there was a time i gotted hacked to and i told u guys about it and u guys sead ull do sumthing about it witch u guys never did oggangster1 still playes and nothing happend and wheres my 20M ? and than get disabled for sumthing i dident do. im getting relly mad and upset cus i dident play that account and play membership for nothing and its was alot of hard wook. and will like to play agin but cant cus my account is disabled look into it or sumthing cus i know i did nothing wrong and would like to play agin and chat with my friends agin. witch i thank it was a glitch after the update 2 months ago and i herd i seen your one braking bots vid witch is great and all cus i hate bots takeing up all the mining spots and all and hope u do get rid of them for good but ull also need to watch out if the person is relly a bot or just not in a good mood or just doesent want to talk at the moment cus i know pepole who sumtimes get that way and want to consentrate on what thay r doing. so ill wait for feed back and keep up the good work and have a nice day!
i also sent u guys a message on youtube 2 times!!