-It was then that Jeremy realized why he never saw necromancers at parties.
-Temple Trekking lesson #37: Always bring your walking stick. Always.
-"Free body bag, pl0x!"
-"Hey man, I think I found a hidden set effect in the new necromancer robes! It makes the ivy all- Oh..."
-"...Well how was I supposed to know it would make you allergic to NOT touching ivy?!"
-Note to self: Do not perform Firemaking Cape emote in front of sentient vines.
-Some of the ideas for new Trekking encounters were never implemented...
-"Don't worry, mate- when I get Smiddi to level 92, she learns heal other! ... You can hold on for a month, right?"
-Frank had told his son that fiber was good for your diet.
-He hadn't lied about being the best at hide and seek- the velociraptors would never see him move.
26-Aug-2011 13:31:18
- Last edited on
26-Aug-2011 21:43:56
Grey Regent