"I believe that leaves me as Clan Leader now."
"Excuse me, are you a Woodcutting bot?"
"We're still in the process of designing the Rofl emote."
"I really think we should get our Citadel a safety railing."
"Why isn't he respawning...?"
"Friends don't let friends... Do whatever he's doing."
"Oh boy, a new Farming level! Now I can grow Jagex Moderators!"
"Aren't I the Crow? Why are you trying to fly?"
"Quick, you jump down on these ivy to hide! I'll keep running!"
"Once there were two Jagex Staff,
Traveling down a hauntingly dark path.
One took a swing, hitting a good blow,
Keildest falling to the feet of Mod Crow,
Who gave a big smile and left with a laugh."
30-Aug-2011 10:10:28