Mod MMG's FC was supposed to be a way for the players to converse with him about the game, not for others to set up a private chat room for a group of friends.
The FC lost its use and should have been closed down a long time ago. Mod MMG wasn't ever in it from what I heard, which was the whole reason for it to have been open in the 1st place.
btw guys, rs always been been rwting since its open i believe bc you pay them for members to get extra content but thats the only rwt ill accept, but make a system to thats kick/ban bots right on sight when someone starts to bots
Former God of Drums and now Guns NR0ses( was suppose to be Dr Feelgood if no one tooked the name)
I don't see much of the old MMG regulars anymore except for the ones that visit Mod Mark's friend's chat. Man...I would like to have another chat with them...R.I.P. MMG's Friend Chat.
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:„•².²•„¸ ||¸„•²..'²•„:::²•„¸¸„•²¸„•²²•„¸¸„•²¸„•²²•„¸Ahnaful1994
| ==== || ==== |:::¸„•²²•„¸²•„¸²•„¸²•„¸,¸.The Official Seal.¸¸„•²¸„•²¸„•²²•„¸
:²•„¸¸„•² || ²•„¸.¸„•:::.²•„¸¸„•²¸„•²²•„¸¸„•²of a Master Quester²•„¸¸„•²²•„¸²•„¸²•„¸
:::::'²•„,¸,|,¸,„•²':::¸„•²¸„•²²•„¸²•„¸¸„•²²•„¸Hall of Fame #1461¸„•²²•„¸¸„•²²•„¸ ¸„•²²•„¸
~~Don't mess with the Lord of Fire or you'll get burnt.~~
If you can't take the heat......
1. Take your ball and go home. Worked for yer boss.
2. Get central air installed in yer tank, saves on the refrigeration costs anyways.