Yeah Krolig, I don't see a rematch justifying that fight
Wonder if any more polls on their way?
Btw, I liked the ivy update, provided a way to train woodcutting (giving up the money income) and get good XP, maybe it should've gave a little less but I liked the idea
He teleports away at the end of the quest! He's not dead, so it's pretty much a given than you WILL be fighting him again at some point. Why waste a vote on something that is part of a plot line?
I personally voted for the Balance Elemental. Nomad IS fun, I get it, he was the first boss with a combat rotation, but putting him in this new content essentially makes it uncompleteable for a lot of players who don't have the time to max out their combat. All because people want to video themselves "pwning" Nomad. Nicely done folks.
I just thought Nomad was more challenging and interesting than the other bosses (I could be wrong, happens a lot). Also, when I finally did beat him, it was mostly luck - it just happened (I'd tell how I did it, but don't want to spoil the fight for anyone).
I know I can beat him fairly with skills and wits (and maybe a little bit of luck), and a chance to do that would be great. I'd just like to prove it to myself.
I loved the battle, even though it took 10 tries. I also got QP cape after him @ 99 Combat, so it was pretty testing for me. It was a good way to learn PvM combat for me, even though it was a tad expensive.
Mass contributor to deaths coffers.
Elvarg got the most single votes, but that's because F2P players contributed a significant spike to the vote. This makes sense, since Elvarg is the only major boss that F2P would be able to fight again. When you look JUST at the member votes, both Elvarg and Nomad got a little over 15k votes each.
If you add Boss polls 1-5, you'll see that 31870 people voted "NONE" when asked which bosses they'd like to revisit. That's because most people are tired of the same content being repackaged for new consumption. Yes, Nomad was a challenge, and I'd like to see that storyline continued, but I'm not enthusiastic about fighting Ol' Pastyface again.
I'm curious to see what Jagex actually presents us with: the item that the most people voted for over the course of all five polls (which is NONE), or Elvarg, the monster that got the most votes in a single poll.
If they choose Nomad, then we'll know this whole 5-part poll series was just hype, and that Jagex had intended to bring back Nomad the whole time.
Mod Emilee is right, this will indeed be interesting.
...remembers when you had to USE EACH AND EVERY FISH IN YOUR INVENTORY WITH A RANGE to cook them...
Favourite quest series... Well there are a lot more than were on there, but I went with the goblin series. Elemental workshop would have won for me if it wasnt so slow to do stuff (either through spending 40 seconds running from one switch to the next or through, in the last one, waiting 4 seconds for each thing to move and having to do this about 20 times per instruction).
Dream, I believe it may be some kinda minigame. I would love to fight Delrith, but actually have to use some nifty fighting because he has become stronger. Nomad, cause that was awesome mechanics, Elvarg * Nostalgia*, others, couldn't really care less... If you were able to fight multiple bosses, and each fight was designed for a specific combat level. That 30k votes who said rawr quest monsters is easily outweighed.
Mass contributor to deaths coffers.
I voted Goblin, because IT HAS BEEN FINISHED. It wasn't a letdown for the finale. The other ones, although great story in there, haven't PROVED themselves to us yet like "The Chosen Commander". Probably in the end why I chose it.
Mass contributor to deaths coffers.
I felt like typing this in response to the recent quick poll about my favorite quest series. The first thing that came to my mind was Recipe for Disaster (RFD) as a favorite quest. I know it's not a quest series, but I loved that one. No other quest compares for me.