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Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

RuneScape Community Newsletter

The Gielinor Globe


Welcome to the August edition of the Gielinor Globe, the RuneScape forums' very own monthly community newsletter.

The long wait for Clan Citadels is over! Read on to learn all about this year's biggest RuneScape update. We also have more information about RuneFest 2011, a number of competitions for you to enter, and the latest selection of RuneScape YouTube videos for your viewing pleasure.

Thanks for reading the Gielinor Globe, thanks for playing RuneScape, and remember these motivational words -

We either find a way or we make one.

Mod Jon H

RuneScape Community Management

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29-Jul-2011 12:02:44 - Last edited on 29-Jul-2011 19:13:27 by Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

This Month in RuneScape

Clan Citadels have arrived!

One of the most eagerly awaited updates of the year is finally here! Now your clan can design and build your own personalised floating fortress in the sky.
The update was released on July 26th and has already been incredibly popular - in just a few days, over 90% of existing clans who were eligible to create a Citadel have done so.
To see what you're missing if you don't join them, check out this awesome video from our official YouTube channel!

Cryptic Clue Fest 3!
In the last week leading up to the release of Citadels, we built up to the launch with a crossover campaign on the forums and in-game. That campaign was Cryptic Clue Fest 3!
Avalani was experiencing mysterious visions and she didn't know what they meant. She was also given a scroll tablet by a cloaked stranger. She asked for the players' help to decipher these and unravel the mystery!
On the seventh day, all was revealed:

With the players' aid, she was able to rediscover the ancient ritual and activate the portal to the Clan Citadels.
If you'd like to try solving the clues yourself, there is still a little time left. Check out the thread here:
Quick find code: 199-200-460-62991183
Location: Home > RuneScape Forums > Events - "One Off" > Cryptic Clue Fest 3

The clues will be solvable until 1 August.
Read the 'CM Editorial' section below for some insight from Mod Timbo into the process behind the Cryptic Clue Fest!

Herald Capes

The Herald of Lumbridge

You can now obtain a herald cape from the heralds of Falador, Lumbridge and Varrock. These snazzy garments are not only completely free, but have a huge range of customisation options that will make your cape unique to you.
Choose a city to show your allegiance; wear a cape in its related city and you may find that you're greeted with more enthusiasm than before!
The herald of Falador can be found outside the Artisan's Workshop, the herald of Lumbridge outside the general store, and the herald of Varrock near the east bank.

Mod Jon H

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29-Jul-2011 19:13:36 - Last edited on 29-Jul-2011 19:48:41 by Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :) :) :)

RuneFest 2011

Preparations for RuneFest 2011 are now well under way. Everyone here is really excited about how the event is taking shape. Check out the What's On? page to find out more details about what activities are already planned.
If you'd like to see the venue where the event will be taking place, just watch this video which was shot by Mod Paul M and Mod SJ when they went to check it out:

RuneFest 2011 will be held in London, England on the weekend of 29-30 October 2011.
Tickets are selling fast and it's never too early to get yours:

We're all hoping to see you there!

Mod Jon H

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29-Jul-2011 19:13:43

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Competitions Update

We have a real bumper crop of competitions for you this month!
We begin with a competition to celebrate the launch of Clan Citadels:

Citadel Screenshot Competition

We have ten pieces of concept art signed by the Clan Citadel developers and artists to give away. Each piece of concept art is an A1-sized, super high-quality photographic print with signatures from the artists and developers on the back.
To win one of these stunning pieces of artwork, we want you to send us a screen shot showing your Clan Citadel full of life and bustling with activity.
Check out the following thread to find full details and submit your entry!
Quick find code: 254-255-0-63037629
Location: Home > RuneScape Forums > Community Home > Citadel Competition

We are also running a number of RuneFest competitions!

Win Tickets to RuneFest 2011 with GameStop/EBGames!

If you buy a 90 or 100 Day RuneScape membership card from GameStop or EBGames, and redeem it between 1st August and 5th September 2011, you will automatically be entered into a Grand Prize Draw for a chance of being 1 of the 10 lucky entrants to win a VIP trip for 2 to Runefest 2011 in London!
Click here to visit the RuneFest site for full details of how to enter.

5v5 Tournament

Teams of 5 players can sign up and battle it out for 5 VIP tickets to RuneFest 2011 !
The winners of the tournament will be flown over to the event and be placed in top accommodation in London all for free (aside from the blood, sweat and tears of the competition of course!). In addition, live at RuneFest the winning 5v5 team will be facing a 'Jagex Pro' Team all on the big stage!
Full details at:
Quick find code: 282-283-0-63022063
Location: Home > RuneScape Forums > RuneScape 5v5 Tournament > RuneScape 5v5 Tournament!

Golden Gnome Video Awards 2011

The Golden Gnomes are back and better than ever!
The GGVAs recognise the finest video makers in the RuneScape community. The Jagex judges will chose their three favourite films from all of the entries received throughout the competition. Those three films will then be put before the best judges of all - the entire community.
For a truly memorable event, the creators of the three videos will be invited to attend the Golden Gnome Video Awards Ceremony and so will each receive a VIP ticket for RuneFest 2011. We'll bring the finalists to RuneFest, cover travel expenses and put the finalists up in a hotel in the heart of London.
The final votes will be revealed live at RuneFest!
Check out the official thread:
Quick find code: 235-236-384-62930740
Location: Home > RuneScape Forums > RuneFest > Golden Gnome Video Awards 2011

These videos may help to get your creative gears turning:

RuneFest Headgear Design Competition

The in-game RuneFest item for this year's RuneFest will be something for your head. Will it be a hat, a mask, a helmet or a rubber chicken with space for your head? Is it going to be serious or just a bit of fun? For this competition, it's up to you to tell our Graphics team what to make!
If your idea/concept is chosen to be the official in-game item of RuneFest 2011, you'll see your design lovingly crafted by our Graphics team. You'll also win a pair of tickets giving you and a friend access to both days of this year's RuneFest and the Halloween party to end all Halloween parties!
The official thread can be found here:
Quick find code: 235-236-601-63015156
Location: Home > RuneScape Forums > RuneFest > RuneFest Item Competition

RuneFest Awesome Costume Competition - Dress to Skill!

At RuneFest 2010 we were blown away by some fantastic costumes made by the community. Some took months to put together, others were stitched up on the way to RuneFest and all of them added to the flavour and spectacle of the event.
This year we're keen to recognise some of RuneScape's finest tailors with our first 'RuneFest Awesome Costume Competition' and so each day of RuneFest, we will be offering some fantastic prizes to the best costumes, homemade armour and homages to RuneScape characters.
More details on the RuneFest site.

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29-Jul-2011 19:13:51 - Last edited on 29-Jul-2011 19:39:04 by Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

CM Editorial

This is a new, occasional segment in which a member of the Community Management team will write a short piece about something that is currently occupying their thoughts. This month, Mod Timbo has written a piece about Cryptic Clue Fest 3!

Cryptic Clue Fest 3
The Cryptic Clue Fest returned in 2011 with Avalani requiring an experienced sleuth's aid in order to figure out the mystery behind the unfinished portal. As the Cryptic Clue Fest is such a mind-bending event, I thought that it would be good to write a sort of 'behind the scenes developer blog' of how we came from an idea all the way through to burning chickens appearing from the sky. Enjoy!
The Idea
Everything starts from the spark of imagination and excitement when you first think of an idea. We had the first spark of thought; Mod Kathy and I are unsure who had the idea first, while we were in a meeting discussing the Clan Citadels back in February. We were discussing what was involved, how it was going to work and importantly how Community Management (CM) could help to launch the update. One of my biggest desires while working within CM was to do a 'pre-release' content-involved event for an update. The Cryptic Clue Fest seemed perfect to incorporate all of those things that we wanted and the spark ignited a whole brainstorming process.
We were at the stage of knowing what we wanted to do but not knowing how to do it, I'm sure that you've all been at that stage in anything creative you've done. We knew that we wanted to do a Cryptic Clue Fest as a lead-up to the Citadels launch but how to get from A to B was a complete mystery. Then it all fell into place during a meeting to discuss and find out the lore behind the Citadels and how they were coming to RuneScape. Avalani's character was fully developed in my head and the 'rebuilding of the portal' story was founded.
The Clues
The core of the Cryptic Clue Fest has always been the complexity of the clues, how much fun the clues are to solve, and providing a different type of challenge than you would expect in RuneScape. This is what we went to straight away after discussing how it would fit in with the developers.
The key ingredients for a clue for the Cryptic Clue Fest have been difficult clues, items that are low cost and F2P, and NPCs that are in F2P. That is the core of the clues for all Cryptic Clue Fests and this year was no different - except this time, not all were picked completely at random!
We wrote up a short story of how we saw the Cryptic Clue Fest working, involving the lore and story that we had, the NPCs chosen, and the items for each. Some story was purely there to be comical (Barnabus's "Iron Beer" recipe for one), some was to be a tip of the hat to previous CCFers (unique text) and some slightly more serious (the White Knights and their fear of magical objects).
The clues themselves were much tougher to come up with. Much tougher. A call was put out to any CM member to come up with the idea for a clue and we'd all sit together and try to work them out. Myself, Mod Mat K, Mod Jane and Mod Crow all made it to the final cut with our clues, each saying a lot of "Aaaaaaah! That's how!" after working it out or being told. However, these were version 1 clues and the clues that you managed to solve in the Cryptic Clue Fest were at about version 77. One of the biggest things we needed to do was testing, testing and more testing.
The Testing
With great ideas comes great responsibility. To give a bit of focus, I'll talk about the clue that I made which was 'Day Three' or the Sudoku/Runedoku hybrid with the riddles at the end. My original idea was two Sudoku grids, one was a normal number one that would give you the amount needed and the second was a normal number Sudoku that had certain boxes highlighted and a puzzle attached. Solving the puzzle gave the numbers specific items, you replaced the numbers in the second grid with the items, put that Sudoku on top of the first Sudoku, and the numbers and items in the highlighted grids were what you needed. Complicated, isn't it?
The first change that I made was to scrap the highlighted grids as I thought it was too obvious and possible to solve the Sudoku in a different way in order to just get those answers. The obvious question was then: how are people going to know what they need to get? That wasn't solved for a while as I continued to pick my clue apart and got feedback from talking to various people about it. One of the things I got told was that the puzzle associated to find the items was terrible (it wasn't well-formed and involved far too much maths) and that theoretically people never needed to solve it, just bring X amount of each. This process continued until I was told X wasn't so great and we had Y solution to make the clue better.
The testing was over for a brief respite during May when we were all happy with our clues. Then the clues had to go for translation! The Translation team realised that either our word clues don't work in other languages, or that we were so involved we hadn't noticed some major issues! After a whole bunch of iterations of the clues, and having to change some for translated languages, we were all happy again at the end of June preparing for the launch - until QA looked at the clues. Some of the clues took a massive change as the crossword was made to look more 'crosswordy', one of the clues from the final day was taken out and the dice added to the treasure trail clues. Thankfully though, my own clue made it through unscathed.
The Story
We have Clan Citadels, we have a half built portal with a young wizard, and we have clues. But what exactly binds all of this together? The story element to this year's Clue Fest was the biggest change that I saw to previous Clue Fests and how in-depth and connected to future content it was. Previous Clue Fests have had a story but it's usually been a new, temporary one that doesn't stick around in the game afterwards. With Citadels being launched and sticking around until the end of time, it was of paramount importance to get the story, and how the player explores it, right.
We met again with the developers to see what lore was there behind the Citadels and what was there for Avalani. How far could we go and what did they expect? Armadyl was a god that always intrigued me as a player, so incorporating that into the story was fantastic, and Avalani was a blank slate that we could shape in the player's minds.
This is where rebuilding the portal comes into it but a million questions crop up - why is the portal broken? Where would the broken pieces be? Who would be interested in seeing the portal remade?
The mysterious Armadyl stranger seen in visions was never meant to be anyone in particular. If you take a look at their attire, they're wearing a Pendant of Armadyl, so if you really wanted a particular person to tie it to, it could be a fallen Guardian of Armadyl as that is who I modelled it on. With the Citadels being former bastions of power for Armadyl during the God Wars, it made sense that followers of Armadyl would want to see the return of their master and would hope that restoring Citadels would do that.
As for where the stones are found, there are some key links such as the Digsite (loosely linked to Sennistein), the White Knights' fear of magical objects and a wizard but also some strange ones where we had envisioned a player receiving a rock, realising it doesn't do anything and trying to get rid of it.
The Summary
We hope that you enjoyed Cryptic Clue Fest 3 and that this article has given you a bit of insight into the work, thinking and ideas that went into the event. We have a lot of 'bloopers' and things that never made it in to the Clue Fest that we'll be putting into the next Community Newsletter - so you can see some of the things that we tried, but that never made it in.
Until next time,
Mod Timbo

The 'Clan Update' and 'Clan Spotlight' sections are taking a rest because much of this month's content is already clan-centric. They will return!

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29-Jul-2011 19:13:57 - Last edited on 29-Jul-2011 19:32:32 by Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :) :) :)

Player Submissions

Every month, we invite players to submit their own original works for inclusion in the newsletter.
Here is a haunting piece by Lebbeh :

A single snowflake, drifting contently through the air. Beyond its microscopic beauty lie a thousand meanings - the cold and the eerie...the dawn of winter. Death. It rests underneath the blankets of snow, poised and ready to latch itself onto anything living. Spirits and hopes; it kills those too. When the trees shake hard, and the wind howls like wolves...that's when you know it's happened. The one word, measly and seemingly insignificant; it instils fear in the greatest of warriors. Drained of all life, their once mighty grips are crippled, iron fists frozen into place.
Like vultures, desperate beings feast off the frozen corpses. Tearing flesh with knives, jaws locked into place...savage is the only fitting word. Survival of the fittest; that was their reasoning. Why join the weak when you could live?
Then the white turns to green, leaving the desolation for the regrowth and birth of new life. Icy tombs melt to form new rivers, pure and cleansing. The canvas is no longer blank; it fills with new hues - blues, violets, yellows and reds. Resuscitated. Nature has deployed its defibrillator. Revived. The memories of the cold turn to pictures of warmth and hospitality, much food making itself available. It's almost as if the page has been turned. A new chapter. The story of spring.
Birds rejoice in the renewed landscape. Over the rolling green hills, songs are heard; they intermix with the serenity. Or perhaps they are the source of such an atmosphere. Life. Life meant spring. Life was spring.
A sweeping fire engulfs the hushed surroundings. In its wake, blistered earth is left to burn eternally. The malicious and scathing gaze of the sun penetrates deep into the soils, scorching and destroying any greenery. The revenge of death. No bird can fly high enough to avoid the flames that reach for them. Everything smoulders, thick clouds of fetid smoke curling upward as they attack the heavens. Summer. To truly personify evil, one must use that word. It melts the coldest of ice and the most ambitious of dreams. It crushes desires, disregards emotion and drags everything to hell. The devil smiles.
In amongst the blackened terrain, small seedlings sprout from roasted seeds. Beacons of light in a pitch black room. Nature's Braille. From the harshest of deaths comes the newest of life; it pushes through the concrete slab. The cracked pot is reassembled.
In perfect rhythm to the music, an orange leaf waltzes to the forest floor. Some say it is the fall; this is the opposite. The busy environment is one that brings opulence and richness. Autumn is exactly this. It is the time when all become affluent, free from the dangers that so frequently present themselves. Liberty. Fruits grow in abundance, collected in routine fashion and stockpiled for the coming weeks. Gluttony. An icy breath flutters past the back of a neck. Deep sleep. Buried away, hoarded food is the only life support.
An antique lamp falls clumsily into the hands of an adventurer, a soft scraping sound whispering to him as the clay brushes across his palms. Walking over the fragmented remains of the effigy, he continues on his way.

Next, a poem by Elithen :

Drack Blagon
His scales gleam, what a sight, they're black as night,
Malice in his eyes to make you run in fright,
Your potion means his fiery breath cannot sear,
Your Herblore sucks, the potion did cost you dear.
Grasp your sword, and prepare for the fight,
Others range, but you cannot stand the sight.
Say your prayers, hope Korasi serves you true,
The dragon lunges, you prepare to run him through.
The dragon's maw attempts to close around your head,
Nezzy's horns make him draw back instead.
Seeing the chance, you plunge your sword into his thigh,
The dragon wrenches your sword away with a cry.
A spurt of flame escapes from the dragon's snout,
Thankfully, your dragonfire shield holds out.
You raise your armored arm to block an attack,
The dragon's claw sends you sprawling upon your back.
The beast, sensing weakness, lumbers near,
With your warspear trapped beneath you, your path is clear.
You pull out an item old as creation,
And throw the rubber chicken in desperation.
Flying at the dragon just as it roars,
Between the monster's open jaws the chicken soars.
It coughs, chokes, wheezes and dies,
Choked to death by your last-ditch try.
As nearby warriors stare at you in disbelief,
You reclaim your items, and rewards that are yours to keep.
Wishing for some dwarven stout, an entire cask,
You swear you'll kill Kuradal for setting you this task.

If you would like to submit a piece of original content to be considered for the newsletter, please feel free to email it to us at [email protected] . We can't promise to use every submission but we do view all of them. We look forward to receiving your contributions!

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29-Jul-2011 19:14:04 - Last edited on 29-Jul-2011 19:27:39 by Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
:) :) :) :) :)

Forum Spotlight

In this section, we will be showcasing a different noteworthy forum thread each month.
This month's featured thread is by Mod Maz (Queen of the Squirrels). She gives a rundown of the features and rewards contained in the Clan Citadel update. Currently there are over 80 pages of discussion - why not join in with your own opinions and feedback about Citadels?

Quick find code: 15-16-75-63031882
Home > RuneScape Forums > Recent Game Updates > Clan Citadels are Here!


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29-Jul-2011 19:14:12

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Social Networking Update

J-Mod Community Challenges
Regular visitors to our official Facebook page will already be familiar with this new initiative!
The Community Management department has been divided into two teams. We will regularly post lists of challenges and let the community vote for which ones they want to see the J-Mods carrying out.
The two CM teams will then face off against each other and the whole thing will be filmed for your amusement.
The first event - the RS GP Challenge - has already taken place! We're still editing the footage together, but in the mean time we have released a blooper reel as a teaser:

You can check out the official thread for more information and to discuss your favourite challenge ideas!
Quick find code: 254-255-101-62944001
Location: Home > RuneScape Forums > Community Home > J Mod Community Challenge

We also continue to provide exclusive teasers and hints via the @OfficialJagex Twitter account, and you can see the latest official videos on . Check us out using the buttons below!

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29-Jul-2011 19:14:21 - Last edited on 29-Jul-2011 19:36:50 by Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Quiz Quest

Each month, the Quiz Quest tests your knowledge about the RuneScape world. There are prizes for five winning entries and we hope that you all enjoy hunting for the answer.
Thank you to all of you who entered the July Quiz Quest competition!
The correct answer to last month's Quiz Quest was this:
Q. The new Members' Loyalty Programme allows you to purchase custom titles for your in-game character.
One of them is Duderino - if your character is male. What is the equivalent title for female characters?
A. Dudette.

Well done to those of you who got it right!
This month, congratulations go to *drum roll*... Daviscept , whose entry was the first one to be selected. We are delighted to give him three months' complimentary membership to RuneScape and a RuneScape mouse mat signed by Mark Gerhard and a selection of other J Mods.
The following four players are the runners up, each winning one month of RuneScape membership:

  • Angry Name

  • Sk3l3 Sk1ns

  • Suvalgysiu

  • forgotten016

We choose the winners at random, so if you didn't win this time, try again!

This month's Quiz Quest:

You must speak to an NPC at the Clan Camp to start setting up your Clan Citadel. What is that NPC's name?

Once you have the answer, post it on the August Quiz Quest thread or send it to us by email at [email protected] - and if you could include the words 'quiz quest' in your subject header it will really help us to spot your email! If you are under 13, please ask a parent or guardian to send your entry in on your behalf, from their contact email address.
Please remember to include your RuneScape account name with your answer if you submit by email - that way we will know who should be rewarded for their fact-finding power!
The competition will close on Friday 19 August 2011 - so get your answer in as soon as you can.
The winner will receive a complimentary 3 months' membership to RuneScape and a RuneScape mouse mat signed by Mark Gerhard and a selection of other J-Mods.
The four runners-up will receive one month's RuneScape membership.
So, good luck finding out the answer!

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July's Caption Competition Winners

Last month's photo showed me, Mod Jon H, representing the Community Management bowling team at the recent JuneFest player meet in Cambridge.

July Caption Competition Image

We asked you to come up with a great caption, and you came up with some amazing submissions.
This month, congratulations go to... Dragon9ueen , whose entry was personally selected by me (with input from the other members of the CM team). We are delighted to give her two months' complimentary membership to RuneScape and a RuneScape mouse mat signed by Mark Gerhard and a selection of other J Mods.
Our awesome runner up was Pizzahatt1 who will receive one month's RuneScape membership.
Here are the winners, and the 'best of the rest' captions as selected by the Captain. -

Winner - Dragon9ueen
Although he could only achieve spares throughout the game, Mod Jon H won with his striking pose.

Awesome Runner-up - Pizzahatt1
"We're playing dodgeball."
"I know."

Notable Mentions:
This isn't my orb of oculus! - killthenoob0
This isn't my pet rock. - G12Fighter
My secret to nailing the 7-10 split? Watermelons. - iKyie
Check out my new guitar pick. - Admirable Jo
Fist of Guthix - IRL style! - Triqaeon
If he tries to juggle those, I'm running. - Displicuit
Thok won't roll balls like puny men. Thok will throw them to those pins! - Brodinir
Even a Fremennik needs a day off every once in a while - Wolf Rulez
He's got 99 bowling, so instead of giving him a skillcape, we're going to give him a "bowler hat." - Ice Reaper
One does not simply walk up to the bowling pins... - jutro
They see me bowlin', they hatin' - Crupulus
Mod MMG: Dude why on earth would you bring those to tonight's business meeting? - Sticky
Breathe in now breathe out
Hands up now hands down
Back up back up
Tell me what you're gonna do now
Keep bowlin' bowlin' bowlin' bowlin'
Keep bowlin' bowlin' bowlin' bowlin'
Keep bowlin' bowlin' bowlin' bowlin'
Keep bowlin' bowlin' bowlin' bowlin' - Savoir
One more Gnomeball joke, I dare you. - Krivlad

August's Caption Competition is out now! Head over to the August Caption Competition thread to see the new image. Better get those puns warmed up!
(A note to all prize winners: look out for a message in your RuneScape inbox confirming that you have won. Those of you who have won membership will have it added directly to your account - those of you who have won a physical prize will need to reply with your postal address details.)

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29-Jul-2011 19:14:29

Mod Jon H

Mod Jon H

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Who the Zamorak?

Each month, we give you a selection of facts about a mystery J-Mod and invite you to guess who it might be!
Last month 's facts were all about Mod Bartie . Well done to Rane Sedai and Ice Reaper for getting it right:
And now on to this month's contest! Here are ten clues about another J-Mod from the Community Management team.
All the clues are true (and ever so slightly odd, but that is half the fun!)

  • I once ran the 100m in 11 seconds whilst at school

  • Chocolate is my favourite food

  • I'm one of the older guys in CM :(

  • I love football and support Peterborough United

  • My favourite book is The Lord of the Rings

  • I've just bought a new car (sadly not the one below)

  • My favourite car of all time is the Audi R8

  • My top holiday destination is The Maldives

  • My favourite computer game of all time is Elite

  • I want to be a writer

There are no prizes for Who The Zamorak?, it's just for fun. So get your thinking caps on, and when you think you know who it is, post your answer on this thread! If you get it right, we'll list your name in next month's newsletter.
Game on!

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29-Jul-2011 19:14:35

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