My idea is this:
Vijard Worest
Vijard is a title for the Hobgoblins, meaning Wizard
(tbh, it's just Telugu for Wizard, as google translate says)
విజార్డ్ is the right way of righting: phonetic: Vijārḍ
There you go, a name with a meaning!
Keep Grimming!
Rayne Law
Leader of the Dark Grim clan
-Sardon (the Surreptitious)
-Cabzon (the Cogitative)
-Nosanthra (the Prosperous)
I may add more later. And if a Jagex Mod actually gets to this page and reads the names and whatever else people post, please don't pick cheesy names that sound like they were created by 12 year olds. Greek/Roman/ any different language words also are disappointing because there's no creativity behind that. I hope that you actually weed out the unoriginal names this time and pick names somebody actually put thought in to. Just please don't pick names like the list that the Thalassus had as choices. That was depressing.