
Character Naming Competition Thread is locked

Quick find code: 254-255-104-62957852

Sep Member 2017


Posts: 1,299 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Some name suggestions :D (name) indicated different stylizations or information
-Tangle Tongue(Tangletongue)
-Weevil Tongue(Weeviltongue)
-R'bitraz Domonatus
-The Faithful(post-entering the portal and communicating with the mysterious voice)

06-Jul-2011 02:42:37

Air Ace

Air Ace

Posts: 529 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm usually not good with these types of competitions, but I shall try my best.
1. Alun Oma
2. Tyras Eon
3. Yaut Ling
4. Sid Nian
5. Domenthius
6. Skraath
7. Raemon
8. Jagoko
9. Yupein
10. Jalok
11. Huyo
12. Lopain
13. Gergen
14. Steyerld
15. Gekadi
16. Asmoen
17. Asteroth
18. Be'lagin
19. Dey'karn
20. Myu'Dyuth
21. Fer'fallo
22. Hal'Freek
23. Lah'Mel
24. Sar'Noth
25. Noe'Hayt
26. Re'Chey
27. Sha'Neek
28. Ter'han
29. Hur'Nek
30. Tzhe'Neth
Might seem like a long list, but it took me 45 minutes to think of them.....hopefully the effort is put to good use.
Best of luck to all of you, and the most part, have fun and think until your brain rocks inside your skull. :P
~Air Ace~
Experience is what you get, just after you needed it.

06-Jul-2011 02:49:16



Posts: 305 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Loran [LOREron]
Lurac [LouRAC]
Daemonac [DaeMONnac]
Duri'ken [DeRE'ken]
Lucri'ken [LucREken]
Nioyuja [Nile.o.YOUya]
Areoni [ArenONnee]
That's all I've got (:
Good luck to everyone !

06-Jul-2011 02:49:28 - Last edited on 06-Jul-2011 02:52:18 by Conditionn90

Nov Member 2020


Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bmakor Sickshadow
Burn Sickburner
Bzomag Irongibber
Dant Madarse
Gemadt Darkscum
Gsob Irontwiser
Kmen Darkdoom
Mabr Madclaw
Nars Dreadshred
Nazokt Evilheart
Nozk Stonestench
Nzat Madslime
Rgutk Damngouger
Sab Bigeater
Sad Evilyell
Sedb Bonetongue
Smed Darkooze
Tab Ironkill
Tmex Dreadstomach
Tuz Ironstink
Xdezos Bigchaos
Xgum Gianteater
Xseb Boneclaw
Zbax Maddamn
Znekub Bigbeast
Batoxg Giantclaw
Berz Greatfinder
Kox Sicklurker
Nmos Darkburner
Tbas Greatfilth
Bets Dreadfinder
Bkutom Foulmaw
Bnuzok Metalshadow
Dags Maddoom
Dax Bigfilth
Dnam Foulhunter
Drokx Gianthowl
Dumn Metalcleaver
Guz Ironhand
Kabn Bigkiller
Kedz Metalgas
Maks Metalbelch
Mug Foulshredder
Mxaz Darkstomach
Mxubag Darkooze
Nag Darkshredder
Nak Sickheart
Numekb Sickfang
Rkub Stoneeater
Sadenk Greatraider
Sxamn Darkfire
Tmonk Darkgouge
Tzox Bonestealer
Xar Fouldoom
Xokd Irongouge

06-Jul-2011 02:49:36 - Last edited on 06-Jul-2011 03:13:47 by BlowMeSilly

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