Tip: Do you have background noise in your videos?
No fear, you can get this away for free, and easy, You need a little program called ''Audacity'' Not TOO sure if I'm allowed to say this, but this is help after all, after you've done this, load in your video file and select the while thing by clicking on it, after this select, the noise removal filter.
(Make sure you leave 3 seconds before, and after you record so that the program has enough time to sample what it's removing) After this, press the first button, this will sample the background noise you want removing, the open up the same window and slide the slider to zero (Don't worry, this is the lowest setting) And press okay, Let it load and play it, You should have no background noise sound!
One more tip: Still have background noise? Simple, Just a move the slider more and more up if you're unable to remove it until you have it set to the right amount to get rid of the background noise! Thanks!
- MrKalius
Is the Orb of Occulous going to have recording abilities? Or am I going to have to download a camera thing? Or would my studio 15 laptop have a computer camera built in already?
unfortunately it looks the orb of occulous will not have recording features.The only feature i've seen people speculate about is changing your camera veiw, but there will be possible others. Yet you are in luck there are free "screen recorder" all over the internet you can download for free. So try searching for one.
30-Jan-2010 17:52:38
- Last edited on
30-Jan-2010 17:53:48
When you record with Hypercam, the clips will save automatically to your computer once you hit 'stop'.
As to where they are saved - I haven't used Hypercam in ages so I'm not quite sure. Just look around your computer until you find the files... :p
~Vipes ><>
John, go to the AVI file tab and choose 'Browse for file name'. Select the folder where you wish the save your videos. When you record something and then stop recording, it will automatically be saved in that folder.
And thanks Crow.
¤ §unny Ëarth ¤
@John Vipers
they automatically save, if you go under the AVI tab there are a few option there read them. Also if you have further troubles look up a video on how to use hypercam