Hi guys,
I was coming on to say that the comp's over but I see Hohbein's already done that so I'll just say thanks to everyone for taking part. It really has been one of most entertaining competitions to judge from our point of view. We've seriously loved so many of entries we've received.
We had some where people didn't read any lines at all but just talked about their motivation for being a monkey, some that got so into talking like a monkey that their words were indecipherable and even one entry that came as powerpoint presentation... work that one out if you can!
We've managed to get down to about 10 finalists and we're now waiting on Tehnoobshow to give us his final decision on the winner.
We'll be announcing just who that is at the same time as we have the pleasure of hosting Gods Exposed on our youtube channel (youtube.com/runescape) so in just a few days, we'll all get to see the fruits of your labours.
Thanks again everyone, you really make turning up to work each day a total pleasure. =)
paul m
21-Dec-2010 13:33:23