Good luck to all contestants. I may enter, but in all likelihood will procrastinate until the deadline has passed. A year of subscription is pretty cool, though!
Very Interesting.
I will consider doing this video event. I like it (evil laugh)
. Does it have to be Mic, or could I ues audio from another source, i.e: Cell Phone ?
Hopefully my voice will be the winner
. It's been resting very long for this moment, dinking all the water it needs, and screaming all its practice, lol.
~ Yours, QT X_D2B_X (QT Defence2b) / I BAD NEWS
Both my accounts you can reach me by, perferable I BAD NEWS (My Defence Pure) I'm on more often.
Great competition guys, I was positively going bananas when I read this
Aha ahh well, good luck all!
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¸‹•*°*•›,........¸•*°'"..............................¸‹•¤•›¸:::.The Designer.:::¸‹•¤•›¸.............................."'°*•¸.......,‹•*°*•›¸.::..
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`›,,¸¸¸,,‹´.......`›,,¸¸„‹·*´¨`*·¸ :.¸".¸*"¨¸„‹' ::::::::.......Admin to YOU......:::::::'›„¸¨"*¸."¸.:¸·*´¨`*·;›,,¸¸„‹´.....`›,,¸¸¸,,‹´.:::..
29-Nov-2010 05:29:32
- Last edited on
29-Nov-2010 05:30:01
The Designer