While discussing on this thread, please maintain the following:
- All forum rules apply. Consider in-game ones applicable as well.
- Do not use ad hominem as a defense or argument. Everyone's views are equally important.
- Please, do not use this thread if the discussion is in depth enough to justify making another. This is mostly for quick lore, rule, and questions on how to implement something into roleplay as a whole. Additionally, if you would prefer a more fluid conversation so you can help the guide continue to evolve, find/contact me in-game.
- Any issues you may have with the threadholder should be brought to a separate thread so as not to clutter this with community politics in the circumstance that it stays as the stickied thread (this includes subtle jabs, 'memes', and things of that sort.)
The Sicarius
They think they are "the many", and I "the few". They think this gives them the right to walk over me.
Lady Airlea
Contributions (Because I like writing my own Epitaph)
Rai Sicarius, for the original thread posted around -4- -5- 6! years ago.
To Jim, for maintaining and editing, and formatting Rai's work.
To Lady Natalie, for compressing the guide into it's current format.
To Spartae Dei/Forgotten Un (Whichever he prefers), Role-Player, Klaus/Kaeso (Whatever he would prefer to go by) for heavy input into the formatting done by Lady Natalie.
To the many old and forgotten players who made and designed the borders open for use on the thread.
And a personal Thank You extended to each and every one of you. As cheesy as that is, when I first came to 42 I was nowhere near as strong a person as I am now. Whether you support me or not, you've helped shape me in to who I am, because y'all've been a pretty major part of my life for these past
10 years.
The Sicarius
They think they are "the many", and I "the few". They think this gives them the right to walk over me.
Plagiarization is done, and now I'm going to start looking this all over in-depth, finding out what needs to be changed or updated, and pitching the change ideas. I may be hosting the thread, but it's not mine to edit willy-nilly.
The Sicarius
They think they are "the many", and I "the few". They think this gives them the right to walk over me.
As per
this thread
, ownership of this thread has been passed from the author, Maedalaane, to RiDaku. The stickies have now been swapped as the new thread has been created.