
-x- The Antikingdom -x-

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In announcement!

The heralds speak loud of the news on the horizon, this resurgence of activity among the gossipers and the newspaper barons, speaking of a man daring to stand up against the continuation of Vekonic hegemony over the Far West. Adrian, Prince of Albamonte, a cousin to the Queen of Asgarnia and grandson of Alexander the Wise, who purged the shadows from Ardougne and laid the groundwork for Silva and Saewyn and Greyson and Oliver who came after him, has declared himself Alexander II, King of Ardougne, and declared his intention to stand against the Crimson Throne, to muster the people in brave rebellion, in the name of freedom and justice. His Grand Army of Liberty builds in this turbulent time, aware of the tempest that they may rouse, but praying that in doing so, they shall secure a lasting calm.

Only time will tell if their tale shall be one of heroic victory, or to be filed away as a some small ghost of history. Until then, Antiking Alexander makes his speeches, he arms his troops, he incites revolution, and offers shelter under his wing for all those who have been victimised by the Queen of Kandarin and her court of wraiths. The banners rise, under the black direwolf and brown deer of the Aerendyl-Mathrafal, and the promise of freedom is made. May liberty ring!

Nihil sine iustitia! - Nothing without justice!
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.

16-Apr-2016 19:58:46



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The Alexandrian Manifesto

Brethren and sistren of the cause, champions of liberty and defenders of justice, rally around me and lend me your ears, as I tell you of my vision for the great city and kingdom of Ardougne, in its majesty and grandeur, to stand as a beacon of all that is good of its people. Too long has it been leeched upon by the greedy, its people taxed and impressed in the service of cruel and unnecessary obsessions, such as the domination of the innocent and peaceable Kardians, who had committed only the wrong of refusing to bow to Vergil Vekon; egoistic posturing and threats towards the bold Camelites, who had longed for the restoration of their own liberty; and the maintenance of a fortress in the deepest depths of the Feldip Hills, so distant from any useful prospect, maintained only as a rather shabby, dull rock in a miserly crown.

What I see now is a path forward, a path away from you, Ardougne’s merchants, Hemenster’s farmers, Witchaven’s trawlers, having to give your valued lives and deserved monies for wars of malignant imperialist intent. Kandarin is a spectre of an empire, a bloated, unnecessary construct that funnels all its prosperity and glory to the few, rather than a royal crown which is bound by the noblesse oblige, that maintains its responsibilities to its people and recognises the achievements of the many. This is my endeavour, to cast down and destroy the egregious shadow of empire, and restore that bold and excellent crown of the Kingdom of Ardougne, which has rested on the heads of some of the finest monarchs in Gielinor’s history, like Oliver, who defended the suffering and the weak wherever they lived; like Greyson, who repelled the Kinshra and faced down tyrants and monsters alike; and like mine own grandfather, who chased out that dark, cruel plague of the Zamorakian Empire and gave his life to the commission of justice. --
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.

16-Apr-2016 19:59:38



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-- These men, as I intend to do, all recognised that their great achievements rested on the construction of great alliances, of the building of a great force, of volunteer soldiers, not compelled by law to put their lives on the line, but by their bravery and their fervour, their noble character bursting from their heart like mortar shells in tenacious response to the actions of villains.

We are an enlightened society, we are a society that knows the importance of law, and order, and equal treatment, and knows to uphold as sacrosanct that rule of law, so important and so blessed, that no man or woman; be they a commoner, be a they a merchant, be they a baron or be they the King; may breach that law. Too long have the boons of the crown been reaped for the personal empowerment of the sovereign, without due attention to the responsibilities and obligations therein. Inspired by Erysail the Confessor, pious and great Queen of Asgarnia and mine own cousin, I shall adopt a great code of law, to be interpreted independently by the justices of the realm, and to hold all to account with equal application. Just as this code binds the people to be restrained from the actions of base nature, it shall also restrain the crown from committing ill and pursuing darkness against its own people and its innocent neighbours. There shall be balance and peace in the realm! There shall be a great march against fraud and brigandry! The ills of the people shall be heard, not silenced!

We shall call, when the liberty of the kingdom is renewed by our blood and our spirit, a Great Parliament, and call forth all from across the realm to speak together, and find solutions to the ailments that impact the common man, or the merchant, or the baron, but has so long gone without notice from the Crimson Throne. --
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.

16-Apr-2016 20:00:23



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-- After this meeting, I shall construct a more permanent Great Council, that shall represent all the parishes of Ardougne, from the city itself all the way out to the little towns, and they shall speak, and I shall hear them, whatever their complaint, and it shall be addressed, to the greatest ability. Competent, continuous, compassionate governance shall ensue. The Great Council shall elect a Citizen Palatine, who shall sit with me within Castle Ardougne, and advise me as to the wishes of you, the masses, my beloved people, and advise me in the assembly of a Royal Secretariat, which shall continue with the duties of state without impediment, and guided by the hands of both the rule of law and by democracy! No more to inconsistency, no more to tyranny, no more to incompetence! Clarity and purpose shall reign!

So the choice is made open to you, Ardougnians, Hemenstrians, Witchaveners, Kardians, and all other peoples living in the city and spheres of the westernmost capital of human civilisation! Do you continue to reside in a system which theretofore has taken from you, and bruised you, and told you what is good for you, like a boisterous governess; or do you stand now, raising your swords, your pitchforks, your sickles, your cudgels, and do battle that with that which would keep you in fetters, in straitjackets, in iron masks and bridles that restrain your tongues? The fight for freedom will be hard, and there will be blood, but far less blood will be spilled in this just endeavour, than in the commission of further cruelties and crimes against yourselves and the world as orchestrated by the despotissa Senna, and her court of wraiths! Spit out the poison! Pull out the splinter! Rid yourselves of this disease and march with me, brave souls! The end of the dark times is coming, and soon, we shall all feel the warm glow of the light. For this fight is not just for a King, but for all of us! All of us!

~ Antiking Alexander II, at a rally of supporters.
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.

16-Apr-2016 20:00:52 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2016 20:01:30 by Palpatom

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16-Apr-2016 20:01:14



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My vision for Ardougne

Unlike a great many people, who declare their wars purely with the IC propaganda and without actually making promises about the future of RP in the lands they wish to work in, I’d like to go over some of the promises in that speech to make them clearer, and outline how they’d work in RP, and some other things that I’d like to pursue. Will I alone be able to hold up all of these promises? Perhaps not, but with the help of a sturdy group of admins, I think a great deal can be achieved with Ardougne.

First of all, I’d like to say that, by no means, do I want to see the roleplayers and the community that exists in Ardougne and the Kandarin clan eradicated or pushed away should I succeed in this reconquest. I think they can still have a very present role both in the RP I’d like to build, or interacting with it from the outside, if they’d not like to be inside. I*d like to see some of the people from there staying there, to play out whether they’d agree with a new administration, or resist it, and play on those themes, just as Conor has with Camelot, the progressive struggle of a new ruler securing his hold.

Secondly, I’d like to cast clarity on the political system I outlined in Adrian’s IC speech. The Great Parliament would be a one off event, where literally everyone who has some character involved in some internal way in Ardougne, Alexandrian rebel or Vekonic loyalist, can come together in this huge discussion to talk about the future after the reconquest and to find solutions to the problems facing the restored kingdom in the immediate future. The Great Council, on the other hand, will be constructed more like a representative body, and anyone would be free to have a character or make a character to serve as the Citizen Representative of a parish within Ardougne, be it the City of Ardougne itself, or be it some tiny little village that no-one’s ever heard of. --
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.

16-Apr-2016 20:02:17



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-- Amongst the members of the Great Council, one of the Citizen Representatives is elected as the Citizen Palatine. This is effectively the Prime Minister, and will serve alongside the King in the executive function of the realm. This is in contrat to the Royal Secretariat, which will be a more bureaucratic branch, and will consist of people like the Chief Justice, or the Archmage, and so on, who do the standard roles of government. From an OOC perspective, I really want to try and build a system that rewards activity, and I want those roles at the top of the POK to be fulfilled by those who are committed to performing them. Activity will be considered the primary evaluation of their competency, and that applies to myself as much as it does to others. If there comes a time in a future Ardougne under my IC rule when I am unable to keep up with my obligations, then a proper regency will take over for temporary issues, and if there is a permanent issue, I will swallow my pride and get out of the way for someone who can keep things running with great activity.

On a tertiary note, I want to strike a healthy and functional balance between regular “slice of life” RPs, political RPs, plot-based RPs and event RPs. Now this is a difficult task, and I make no pretense of being able to do it alone, no one should. I will happily listen to anyone who wants to run a plot in Ardougne, and see if I am capable of providing help or promotion to that plot if the clan likes the sound of it. A plotline RP should really be going on at least once a week, at a time when all the relevant persons can justifiably attend. I’ve got plenty of ideas boiling around from old plots I never got a chance to use, so I hope I can fulfil some of that burden. I understand the politics will be relatively regular, especially with the system I’ve proposed here, and that will be scheduled, again, with attendance and regularity in mind, however I will try to keep it from dominating the agenda. --
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.

16-Apr-2016 20:02:43 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2016 20:43:33 by Palpatom



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-- Whilst the upper echelons, the Royal Secretariat and so, will likely have to RP on most days, meetings of the Great Council will likely be kept for when several items are stacked up for discussion, to make the most of those RPs. Open courts and meetings with the King would most likely be conducted relatively swiftly, to the best of my ability. In terms of the slice of life, I’d obviouly like to get the bars in Ardougne going, but I really want to try to shift that to the market stalls and the shops. Ardougne has the best marketplace in game, and some of the best shops and facilities for this kind of roleplay. I want to encourage people with creative ideas for things they can make or sell IC to come together and work on these days to make things not only alive, but both normal and interesting. Be it the importation of coffee and silks by Kharidian merchants, or farmers coming in with their stock, or Karamjans with spices and tea, and so on and so forth. Activity in RPs like this, taking the initiative to put together businesses, and RPs around them, and little chunks inside the Ardougne RP, will be rewarded with recognition and consideration for future prospects. You want to set up some sort of magic college at the Tower of Life? Go ahead! You want to get the Monastery south of Ardougne active? Do it! This community has proven over and over again that it can make good, creative use of so many different facilities available to them, and I want to keep that spirit alive. As for events? There was a scheme I was putting together in my brief stint working with Alli to construct regular timetables for events and the other RPs mentioned, to give good and sturdy notice to the impending things coming up. I want to try to represent all the different groups invested here, and put together events that they will enjoy and engage with. Festivals for different religions, and ceremonies recognising historical events. -- Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.

16-Apr-2016 20:03:06



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-- Memorials, weddings, funerals, parades, so much more than the standard ball. This is all within the realm of the possible, and I want to make it possible.

If you have questions, then feel free to drop them in the thread and I will try to either address it here on the thread, or speak to you in game about them. As much as I may IC be considered a threat or an upstart, my intentioned OOC are purely based around the quality of the storylines and the roleplay, and trying to do good things. If I lose? Then no hard feelings, and I’ll lick my wounds. I understand the war will be a bit of a drag and may have some drama around it, but I hope that by communicating with Kandarin’s current admins, I can organise things in such a way that we can minimise negative events and carry out a reasonable fair and fun war.
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.

16-Apr-2016 20:03:24

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