-- After this meeting, I shall construct a more permanent Great Council, that shall represent all the parishes of Ardougne, from the city itself all the way out to the little towns, and they shall speak, and I shall hear them, whatever their complaint, and it shall be addressed, to the greatest ability. Competent, continuous, compassionate governance shall ensue. The Great Council shall elect a Citizen Palatine, who shall sit with me within Castle Ardougne, and advise me as to the wishes of you, the masses, my beloved people, and advise me in the assembly of a Royal Secretariat, which shall continue with the duties of state without impediment, and guided by the hands of both the rule of law and by democracy! No more to inconsistency, no more to tyranny, no more to incompetence! Clarity and purpose shall reign!
So the choice is made open to you, Ardougnians, Hemenstrians, Witchaveners, Kardians, and all other peoples living in the city and spheres of the westernmost capital of human civilisation! Do you continue to reside in a system which theretofore has taken from you, and bruised you, and told you what is good for you, like a boisterous governess; or do you stand now, raising your swords, your pitchforks, your sickles, your cudgels, and do battle that with that which would keep you in fetters, in straitjackets, in iron masks and bridles that restrain your tongues? The fight for freedom will be hard, and there will be blood, but far less blood will be spilled in this just endeavour, than in the commission of further cruelties and crimes against yourselves and the world as orchestrated by the despotissa Senna, and her court of wraiths! Spit out the poison! Pull out the splinter! Rid yourselves of this disease and march with me, brave souls! The end of the dark times is coming, and soon, we shall all feel the warm glow of the light. For this fight is not just for a King, but for all of us! All of us!
~ Antiking Alexander II, at a rally of supporters.
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.
16-Apr-2016 20:00:52
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16-Apr-2016 20:01:30