
The Cost of War

Quick find code: 237-238-885-65830310

Jun Member 2013


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Dear Mom,

Thanks for the letter. I am glad to hear that you and Dad are doing good with the girls. I’ll try to keep this short.

The pastries were good, me and the lads loved them. I didn’t know what to expect when this war started. All 6 of us shoved into one small house in Ardougne, just trying to survive day to day out there. I remember when I tried to pull being sick so I wouldn’t have to help you in the shop or help Dad with out in the fields.

And now, we’re all just trying to survive out here. Fighting for something I don’t even understand. One Lord and another not liking some other Lord. I wonder sometimes if they listen to their own grand speeches, saying they’re doing this for us. While they sit in their towers and keeps, dining on pigs while we barely had enough water to make a thin soup.

They all want the same thing in the end, no matter what they claim for it. Wanting the same fancy chair and the same fancy hat to say that they’re the best. You know how I used to be Mom, those big dreams of making it big somehow and becoming some fancy Lord with a big castle.

But I can see them, Mom. When I shut my eyes, late at night when the air goes silent. The screams, the smoke, the smell of death in the air. I always wanted to be a hero, the Knight in Shining Armor, like all the stories you told me and the girls when we were all younger. All I have now is nightmares of that glory in battle, remembering how long it took to scrub the blood out of my clothes, the red stains that refuse to leave.

It’s a reminder and at night, the nightmares. Oh Gods, I wish they would stop. I see him, no older than Anna, this little lad with a sword in his hand. I ran him through Mom, I killed him. And all I can see is his face at night, reminding me of what this war has taken from all of us.
A lot of Characters | World 42

08-Sep-2016 02:47:31 - Last edited on 08-Sep-2016 02:48:08 by Geythir

Jun Member 2013


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I am not fighting for the Lord’s victory, I am fighting for you, for Dad, for the girls. For Miss Adams down the road, Mister Wellington down at the Chapel. I have seen the horrors of victory, what they would do to all of them. The Lords though, they believe in what they preach, that they are in the right.

But I know now Mom, how lucky we do have it back in our shop and tiny rooms above it. If i make it back, I am just going to breath. Take it all in and know that it doesn't matter how much coin you do have, or if your blood is pure, or how many servants you have at your command.

I miss waking up to the smell of bread in the oven, the sun shining through the window. I miss the sound of the local bard down at the corner of the street. I miss the sight of Rosy with flowers in her hair and how she smiles at me.

When I make it back, I am going to live and try to forgot this 5 month hell.
I’ll be home soon.Maybe the nightmares will stop. I hope the nightmares stop.

I love you.

Your son,


It would be some weeks later after her son's last letter when a knock came on the door of the shop hours after they had closed.

Two armored men stood with a folded Red Cloak in their arms and passed it to hers with a small gold pouch.

But that's all they saw, the ones who started the war, coins and numbers. But to her, her baby boy was gone and all she had was a single Red Cloak to remember.

Oh yes, she understood now.
A lot of Characters | World 42

08-Sep-2016 02:47:36 - Last edited on 08-Sep-2016 02:50:16 by Geythir

Jun Member 2013


Posts: 1,723 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just a wee bit of free writing with this bit of war that happened in Kandarin. It didn't feel right posting it on either thread for some reason .

Was an idea that came to my head while I was working.


EDIT: People are more than welcome to post their own writings from whatever war that has happened in the past few months.
A lot of Characters | World 42

08-Sep-2016 02:47:39 - Last edited on 08-Sep-2016 02:58:19 by Geythir



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The young elf clenched his fists to see if he could feel them. He couldn't.

When the sun rose that day, Brenin knew his service for the decade was finished. Serving in his lord's estate as one of the lookouts was fine, but Seren's grace knew it was one boring job. The worst had already happened, and he had missed it; an attempted bandit raid, which was warded off by a single volley of crystal bodkins while he was in the larder looking for some sour milk.

It was all worth it, though; Brenin had things to do and no time to lose with a bag of gold to spare. He had a village and a family to return to. It wasn't that hard to remember; Ellewyn was tending the fields, flashing him a shining smile when he had first rode off to his lord's calling. His horse was as healthy as ever; a bright sign, because he had only twelve hours to get home.

He rode as fast as that poor horse's heart would allow. He waved to his fellow guardsmen, seemingly headed for the castle that he was leaving from. It was funny; he could've swore they weren't smiling when they began waving back, which placed odd looks on each one's face individually. No matter; they must've just gotten back from his home village, which meant it must be close. He dug his heels into his horse's sides, and almost fell off when he saw it.

Ellewyn was the first one he could see dead between the cindering piles of what used to be dense fields of wheat. Her teeth; formerly shining in his memories, were all replaced with nothing but blood smeared across a poster. Her hand was propped upright by a stone; as if to point behind him, mockingly with her open grin.

The young elf clenched his fists to see if he could feel them. He couldn't.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

08-Sep-2016 03:13:21 - Last edited on 08-Sep-2016 03:15:13 by BloxzorKBG

Soup Spitter
Nov Member 2020

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If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles

If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat

If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle

08-Sep-2016 03:21:22



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Excerpt from the diary of the late King Adrian.

The deed is done. Tyrek's suffering has been brought to an end, and he can finally be at peace. I wish that luxury would exist for me also. All around me, already, I see corpses, of the men who believed in me to do this. They believed in me so much to die for me, and that scares me. No man should rightfully have that power, that's the position of the very despots I fight against. Darius was one of my finest, and most trusted, lieutenants. His sacrifice, primary of all those in this turbulent period, will be remembered first and foremost.

I say period, for it seems that although Tyrek's death has ended once painful period, yet another begins right thereafter. The Vekon do not seem to be prepared to accept the suffering they have wrought on this land, and so I am bid to continue fighting. Armadyl forgive me for this war, but justice and peace won't be known until it is over. Axel gave acerbic warnings as I sought to secure Ardougne for its people. What is it that scares him so much about liberty? He's never been the frontline face of their cause. It seems he is willing to play that role though to defend the wretched legacy that all these dark meddlers have left upon this land.

If there is anything which reminds me more of the grim character of war, it is the tall, domineering walls that choke this city. Surrounding it on every side, and from within, peering down, glaring with a visceral hate. It's darkness. Sheer darkness. Swathes of a once fine and prosperous city cast into literal darkness by ages of militarism. When the war is over, these walls can finally come down. The city can breathe and live again.

Though I cannot say things look so good for its occupants. Unless I can secure fresh food supplies, they will suffer. I can ration the food as best I can, it will still only last so long. I guess I now know how Varis felt during the Anarchy. This is a whole -
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.

08-Sep-2016 12:21:17



Posts: 8,982 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- different playing field compared to how it was in Misthalin. There, most people were happy. Fed. Though the government was in shambles after Tommen focused it all on his own arrogant self, the people were not impeded from their livelihoods. It's not the same here. Every farmer's had his food tithed for squalid and trivial ends. Every merchant has seen his business controlled in intimate detail by wicked bureaucrats. Every living being fears the day that the jackbooted armsman comes to their door and demands of them new conscripts. It shouldn't happen like this.

I don't know if I can help these people, but I would not be the man I claim I am if I didn't try.

Excerpt from the log of Lieutenant Piraeus Grimdark

Adrian's dead. Those bastards sent assassins after him, the bloody cowards. It's made the men nervous, this sort of thing always does. I'll have to see if I can get an extra booze ration to keep morale high and stop any trouble in the ranks.

We buried our dead yesterday, at their respective churches in Ardougne. Lieutenant Cross was sent off for a cremation in Misthalin though. Only right, of course, his blood demanded that of him. I only wish Thessaly were here to see what has been accomplished here. He had such hopes and dreams for the future that I couldn't see before, but you know, we might just make a change in the world for the better.

Then again, the riots are making it difficult. The Vekon stoke up nationalist sentiment (in the most oddly hypocritical fashion) and direct it against our forces. It's a struggle to keep down mobs, especially when we're under the strictest orders to avoid lethal force. People are razing and tearing down their own neighbours' homes and livelihoods in chaotic fervour. It's madness!

Armadyl help these people see the way, for they are so lost from the path of sensibility. Hopefully this minority will calm in time, when the darkness fades.
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.

08-Sep-2016 12:21:30 - Last edited on 08-Sep-2016 12:29:46 by Palpatom

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