
The Cost of War

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Good to get another opportunity for some writing up. Always nice to have these sorts of things around. Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.

08-Sep-2016 12:30:35



Posts: 1,390 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'll bite.


I've heard many a tale from war veterans and their kin that war is an atrocity equaled by none other. That what happens on the battlefields is more parts horror and terror than glory and fame. That's probably true, at least to the latter. Books and novels written by the victors will always glorify their country and their armsmen to their last written word, and I'm sure there are the few veterans who's brains were addled to the point of mimicking the same words aloud.

But war is not the greatest atrocity. No... That is reserved for the aftermath. Dead and bleeding corpses are buffets to the creatures of the wild. And once they've gotten a taste... I've yet to see a beast that wasn't partial to attacking war-torn settlements after feasting on the dead. Griffons, wolves, bears, basilisks, the list goes on.

And let us not forget the tormented spirits that linger on the fields of death. Wraiths, spectres, ghosts, ghasts. I've seen far too many to count at this point, and hell... The first thing I remember is waking up in the company of a dwarf a year and a half ago. I doubt even the gods have kept track of all the monsters I've slain in my past.

I hope I didn't frighten you too badly, though. I actually wanted to fill you with some semblance of joy: When wars ravage lands and bring out the monsters, I'll be there. Every beast I kill is a family saved. Every scar I receive is a reminder that I won. Every head I collect a reminder.

So do not weep at the sight of a monster, dear townsfolk.
Weep when you see the bill.
The Druid is dead.

So is RS RP it seems.

08-Sep-2016 12:33:17



Posts: 1,182 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Original message details are unavailable.
A letter never delivered.

To the only woman who matters,

The city has fallen. The nation has fallen. Return naught to home, return naught to where the sun touches this land first.

We will return, my dear, but not yet. There is nothing left for us there, only blood. Blood and the tears of a queen.

For king and for country, the Hallowlands has fallen.

May Saradomin remember us in these last of days.

Commander R. J. Silversmith
of the Hallowvale Royal Guard
141 Third Age


08-Sep-2016 15:28:55

Jun Member 2013


Posts: 1,723 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Y'all inspire me.


To the only one that ever mattered,

This is the end for me, I have knew it from the moment I came home after all the long years on campaign. I tried so hard for you, for the kids. I tried to forgot it, but I can’t.

It haunts me, It reminds me at all times. What I lost out there, what I did out there. We tried to tell ourselves we were doing the right thing, for freedom they said. So every man could be a King. Town after town, Castle after Keep, we fought for them. I fought for them, for the idea.

But after they got what they wanted, they threw all of us to the side, their loyal soldiers, their loyal commanders. But I am still here, I still remember what they had us do. I can’t go on, I can’t forget the faces, the smells.

I tried telling myself we were making the world a better place, the butterfly effect as the wise man once said. But for every good deed, I stained it with the blood of the fallen.

I am so tired, Love. So very tired.

Don’t look for my body.

I am so sorry,

Your Husband
A lot of Characters | World 42

08-Sep-2016 16:00:57

Lady Airlea
Mar Member 2011

Lady Airlea

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The shriveled woman kept moving, as quickly as she could from place to place, stabbing every last body with her metal shard. This was her job. It was always grim, but that was what service to Death brought us.

The worst was the wailing. Bodies and souls not yet split and collected. Even Death, in this age of Gods fighting wars, lacked the power to collect every soul quickly.

The pained expressions the spirits made when they saw her. The carts of mortals pulling bodies to return home as best they could.

The worst though, were the souls she couldn't collect. A man was splattered across a wall by an exploding cannon shell. He was in too many pieces to even cut the soul free. There would be no afterlife for him.

After collecting too many souls, the Reaper's hand paused. She looked over to a nearby Nature spirit, and in a brief moment of compassion walked over. The Spirit tried in vain to hold the man in her lap, clearly a descendant. The man groaned, ribs jutting from flesh, arm gone and burnt.

He passed as the spirit shoved a vine through him in mercy. The reaper collected him like the rest, looking to the nature spirit. She didn't say anything. The tired, drained expression of her skeletal face explained it all.

She went back to collecting, questioning why she earned this horrible job.
The One True Nat

08-Sep-2016 16:11:06

Blade Cairan

Blade Cairan

Posts: 471 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dearest Mother and Father,

The second God Wars rage on. Perhaps not as open as it once was during the Battle of Lumbridge and the clash between the Bird and the Beast. But it still continues despite how little the news people cover it, or how much we're ignored by the eggheads in Court and Throne. I can assure you this.

The other day we were assigned to an Asgarnian Army Posting up in the northern hills, at the feet of mountains. I could tell the soldiers' suspicions of us. A bunch of Temple Knight spooks. Now lurking around their own home, with a whole building dedicated to us. Perhaps that is why we're not quite allowed to leave our little compound, let alone interact with any of them outside of training.

And although most looks we recieve are of suspicion or question, there's still always the young glowing look of admiration. Pride. Hopefulness. That's the type that kills me on the inside. Some look to us as their savior, as if we're there to solve all their problems. End the constant civil strife of Asgarnia. Lead them into a new age through combat.

But we're not here for that.

That's not our mission.

I can't tell them and they'd never understand.

Most of these young soldiers I pass on the way to the post bar. Whether it be that hopeful look of admiration or that spiteul look of suspicon. They don't know it, but with the constant threat of rebellion and civil fighting, most will meet an early end to their days. They're just pawns for Saradomin's sake. It pains me. and there's nothing I can do about do about it, because I'm not even here to help them.

With that being said, I'll be home for Wintumber. And I think Fiona will be too. She's making her cornbread last I heard.

Saradomin bless,

Your son,

I'm a thief. But I keep, what I steal.

08-Sep-2016 17:34:02

Soup Spitter
Nov Member 2020

Soup Spitter

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Written on the pages of a torn, charred, ash-laden journal, half-buried among the burnt, rotting carcasses of many men and beasts alike, were the words of a soldier, one of many who saw the horrors of war.

Most of the journal was illegible, be it from stains, or tears. But, several entries were savable.

Day 64

It's been a while since we left the Fortress on Ice Mountain, months. We've lost very few men on this campaign, but killed so many. Sir Titus says we should fight our battles, not write about them. As proud as I am, it's good to get some of the things I've seen off my chest. We razed a small outpost today, full of goblins. We heard someone calling out, and found a group of frightened people in cages. They were revealed to be Saradominist so Sir Titus ordered us to torch them as well. That will haunt me forever. I'd write more but I can hear the Behemoth approaching.

Day 71

More trolls. We're marching too far north. You don't see them among the rocks and boulders adorning the mountain landscape until they're smashing your friend's skull in or crushing you with a rockslide. Several of us sustained wounds today, some worse than others. I've broken some fingers, and possibly my wrist, but I'll power through it. Sir Titus is a harsh, but strong leader. I can't give him a reason to punish me. We're being called out to the center of camp now, maybe we'll get home soon.

Day 85

We've reached some of the northernmost reaches of Gielinor. Fremenniks to the west, and trolls to the east. The cold is getting to us. Trolls are more numerous here, and they're getting harder and harder to kill as we take on more wounded. We've found so much gold, and enough supplies to arm several battalions, but we can't get it home alive if we stay. Titus is c

Written in red, in someone else's handwriting were a few words.

08-Sep-2016 20:21:30

Smell Teller
Aug Member 2021

Smell Teller

Posts: 845 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A large Goblin stood atop one of the many ridges of White Wolf Mountain as he watched the Kandar armies massing in Catherby, a deep scowl on his worn, ancient face. The howling wind and biting snow threatened to numb his skin, but his wolf hide clothing and helmet did well to protect him.

A small group of Goblins scrambled up to meet him on his ridge, now, shouting his name.

Warmaster Bigfist! The humans be comin'! Thems bringin' big boom sticks, guna shoot da mountain!
W'ot we guna do Warmaster?

He stood silent a moment or two before his head even turned to look at them, his hate filled gaze burning into the fearful Goblins before he responded.

We will proceed as planned. Make sure everybody is ready at the mountain pass. They can fire all they want but they will not take this mountain. I will join you on the front lines soon. Go.

The Goblins scurried off with more intent in their strides, something about the lack of concern in their Warmaster's voice gave them hope. Shortly after the first roar of artillery ripped through the air before the mountain began to come under fire. The large Goblin marched his way down the mountain through the scrambling Bandosians preparing logs and boulders to roll down the mountain in the case the pass was breached.

Stand firm! We are all expendable, your death will not be in vein should you fall! Bandos is with us on this day!
Bigfist shouted out, his raspy voice echoing throughout the formed up beasts. The battle had finally begun.
Founder of the "Anti-Daniel" gang.

22-Sep-2016 07:20:46

Jan Member 2018


Posts: 3,628 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Letters would be sent to taverly to be read by those Mark called family and friends.
Home, how I know I miss it. Despite traveling there from time to time, it's either for a mission. Four years has passed since Guthix has died, three years since Saradomin defeated Zamorak, two years since Armadyl killing Bandos. There is no glory to those two battle, The Godless has seen enough to know why the gods aren't good for Gielinor. The crater in Lumbridge, the city is lucky we were there, ensuring that the battle didn't escape the crater, it had once, and we stopped it. Armadyl and Bandos fought everyone in Misthalin, Asgarnia and the Wilderness. We interfered greatly this time, having members to spy on the two camps, ambush the supply run and any location they try to claim for an advantage towards the war. We even offered a truce to try an even out the battle. We succeeded in one sabotage, after that it was back to fighting with those who were defending their city (they made good recruits.

We may have lost to a monkey and a cabbage during their little party, but we were close to defeating the monkey. But, we finally proved our belief, and ourselves when Tuska was heading towards Gielinor. Thanks to the number of members, and our allies (so much Kara-Meir doesn't want to admit) we defeated her, with no god, just Gielinor it self. This proves we, mortals can defend ourselves without the Gods. But with Sliske's new Scoreboard, it seems there is more trouble than we thought.

I wish you all well, and hope everyone is safe, love Mark.

The words of these letters would spread through Taverly, Burthope, and slowly around becoming stories, for others to hear, but also legends as the more it spreads, the more changes the story had about the Godless.
Duke of Fort Forinthry
Interested in role-play? check out: The Quest Collective

23-Sep-2016 16:47:15

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