
End of a Slayer's Respite

Quick find code: 237-238-879-65873155



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You've completed 18 tasks in a row and gain 52 points. Return to a Slayer Master.


A small crab is in the lead!


Rumors had begun spreading through the cities of the world that an aspiring Slayer Master was hosting some kind of grand slaying event. Details are fuzzy, but it appeared to be a contest of sorts.

Rexotic Silversmith, eager to reclaim his lost title of Slayer Master, is hosting a global killing spree of magnanimous proportions. A panel of experts has deemed him worthy in terms of tactical experience, but lacking in experience tasking others with kills. Bring along your closest comrade in arms or take the challenge yourself. With incremental prizes and huge swaths of pride on the line, he's issuing his challenge to any who fulfill the following criteria:

a) Want to be the best.
b) Are willing to sign a few insurance forms.
c) Have a basic knowledge of not getting themselves killed.


24-Jan-2017 20:43:52 - Last edited on 07-Feb-2017 05:48:43 by Rexost



Posts: 1,182 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The tasks will be varied, ranging from smaller targets like dust devils and hobgoblins to larger prey, such as dragons and demons. There are three tiers of tasks, each giving a higher point payout along with conferring a higher risk.
Bronze Tasks
, worth two points, are simple things. Bears, beasts, and some types of spirits.
Silver Tasks
start ramping things up, introducing larger targets such as basilisks and blodvelds, and these are worth four points. The
Gold Tasks
are even tougher. Dark beasts, dragons, strykewyrms, and creatures of the Polypore Dungeon are all at this tier, and are worth six points a task.

Very rarely, should a slayer or team prove themselves time and time again in these three lower tasks will a higher level challenge be issued. These are not for the faint of heart, and each comes with its own separate rewards apart from the actual contest. Ripper demons, Airut, and more find their way into this
Platinum Task
category. The special prizes include monetary bounties, large caches of runes, and special equipment that will help with other tasks. Each will net you eight points and can be turned down at any time with no penalty.

On certain days throughout the contest, there will be optional variants to the regular tasks that can net you greater points. " Go kill a dragon only using a dagger " Rex may say. You'll call him an idiot, and he'll smile and nod. " Kill an aberrant specter wearing your nicest set of clothes " I would really rather not sir, thank you. " Beat a crawling hand in a thumb war " Rex please stop. These would be
Clay Tasks
, and should be avoided at all costs, though they do double the points you would normally get.


24-Jan-2017 20:44:04 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2017 20:45:58 by Rexost



Posts: 1,182 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is going to be hell, clearly. GMing this many monsters over the next months is not going to be easy, but I have too much free time, a love for some fine rp, and a desire to give people some fun stuff to do that doesn't require too many people on at once to make it happen.

A bit of bookkeeping, and rules:

-The challenge will begin on the
First of February
and running the duration of the month and into March. I, like any mid twenty year old human, have a job, and its important to get things straight right away. I'm free every day before 3:30pm and at night after 9:30 pm EST. There are a few other days I have off, but I use those for attempting a social life in the real world (amazing, right?). If this isn't going to work for you, but you REALLY want to get in on this, lemme know. I can appoint a liaison to take my place to GM your tasks.

- Rex is going to be reviewing each contest applicant in character personally. Similar to how super smart people are typically rejected for game shows, he's not going to let any Mahjarrat or hyper-mega-demon people in on this. It ruins the spirit of the hunt if you can just breeze though Gold Tasks in minutes.

- In order to be given a Silver Task, you must first do a Bronze Task, and before Gold is Silver. Once you've done your first Gold task, you can stay doing them if you wish. If Rex starts worrying for your safety, he may start to recommend lighter tasks, but its up to you.


24-Jan-2017 20:44:09 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2017 20:46:20 by Rexost



Posts: 1,182 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- Speaking of safe, this isn't. The intent is not to kill your characters, and I'm going to lean on the side of keeping you alive 90% of the time, but slaying is dangerous work. Things may happen, but I'm probably going to let you talk me out of it. This is for fun, after all.

- Failure to complete a task and surrending the assignment will result in a docking of points equal to the assignment's level, and if it was a Gold Task you'll need to complete a Silver Task again to get back into the Gold Tasks, and same for Silver to Bronze.

- Reign yourselves in a bit, try not to argue too much with me on kills or attacks. This isn't supposed to be easy, even for your super mega slayer machine. Rex is going to give you harder tasks if you're a better slayer already.

-In the event of a tie for any of the first, second, or third place prizes, we'll stick to what roleplayers have been doing for years now when someone else has something that conflicts with our own: blacklist the hell out of them. Wait. No. We'll have a duel (not to the death) to break ties.

-Enjoy yourselves.

-Rex is running this out of his home, the Clocktower South of Ardougne. Tasks will be assigned from there, and Slayer Gems will be handed out to keep in touch.

-If I'm online, I'm probably free to do this. No need to plan ahead of time unless you want to, just show up to the Clocktower or PM me.

-If you have any questions about this stupid idea of mine, or concerns about the fairness of such a contest, feel free to hit me up on various media sources, or write you concerns on the back of a twenty dollar bill and mail it to Car Talk Plaza.


24-Jan-2017 20:44:16 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2017 20:46:37 by Rexost



Posts: 1,182 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


First Place:

- A fully equipped Slayer Helmet, crafted by Rex personally as to your specifications.
- An anti-dragon shield, in case you run up against a fire breathing beast again.
- A crate of slayer gear, containing a specially crafted crystal chime, fungicides, and runes plus a whole lot more.
- A ring of slaying, to travel to all those dark corners of the planet once more.
- A pouch of runes and a lesson in the Slayer Dart spell
- A selection of potions, perfect for an aspiring slayer to help keep themselves topped off.

Second Place:

- A specially designed shield carved of Witchwood and plated with to have a mirrored surface, giving a great defense against supernatural curses and providing a way around those pesky basilisks.
- A crate of slayer gear, including masks, nose plugs, and earmuffs to name a few things.
- A ring of slaying, to travel to all those dark corners of the planet once more.
- A pouch of runes and a lesson in the Slayer Dart spell
- A selection of potions, perfect for an aspiring slayer to help keep themselves topped off.

Third Place:

- A cache of broad tipped bolts, perfect for tearing through the flesh of your enemies and slayer targets alike.
- An elemental shield, designed for a strong magical defense.
- A pouch of runes and a lesson in the Slayer Dart spell
- A selection of potions, perfect for an aspiring slayer to help keep themselves topped off.


24-Jan-2017 20:44:26 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2017 03:14:54 by Rexost



Posts: 1,182 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Current bonus rankings:

Most Kills: Dawn
A hand crafted cloak of dragonhide.

Most Epic Moment: Garrow, cutting a hill giant's dingle off
A laurel crown of congealed blood.

Biggest Comeback: Gallen, the snake recovery.
A pair of enchanted boots that help the wearer with their balance.

Most Clever Kill: Gallen, with the chicken bomb.
A collection of battered, but informative, slayer guidebooks.

The Underdog: ???
A runite penny.

Best Teamwork: Lyam and Tyler, fighting the Nightspider
A pair of matching amulets that allow communication over distances.

Wildest Overkill: Probably Dawn, still up in the air.
A specially brewed potion.

Most Clay Tasks completed: ???
An intricately worked set of gilded, terracotta armor.

Most Platinum Tasks completed: ???
A powerful magical staff and the runes to use it.

But everyone who joins in will go home with SOMETHING. Wouldn't be much fun to risk life and limb for no reward, after all. I'm sure some of you will want legitimacy for these items, and I'm more than willing to provide them, you need only ask and I shall provide.


24-Jan-2017 20:44:32 - Last edited on 04-Feb-2017 05:23:09 by Rexost



Posts: 1,182 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

You want in?

Of course you don't, but sadly you've already started reading this so why stop now. I'm a big fan of cool applications, but lets try to keep this simple.

Slaying Experience (0-10):
Next of Kin:
Favorite Color:

And yes, favorite color is important, if you win we need to make sure your fancy new slayer helm isn't some awful teal or persimmon that causes you to throw up inside it. Feel free to stick a picture of your character on that if you want. I didn't include age or race on there for two reasons:
- One, Rex is going to vet you anyway.
- And two, a lot of people like to have their sp00ky secrets, and I'm keen on that myself.

After you've stuck an app up, just hit me up in game or on some kind of electronic service (I keep my pager on me at all times and my AOL Online account is always open) and we can get an in person meeting set up. If I'm not responding fast enough for you, you spam
Hydro Pupper
aka Eli. If you're applying as a team, note that you'll receive one less point per task per person on your team over one. Points are calculated for the individual, and so if you wish to take a few tasks on your own outside your team, you're more than able to do that.

Who's got dibs:

- Blue
- Orion
- Garrow
- Osdon
- Victoria
- Dawn
- John
- Galen
- Lyam
- Shinori
- William
- Adeline


24-Jan-2017 20:44:38 - Last edited on 07-Feb-2017 07:15:43 by Rexost



Posts: 1,182 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


Name -
- Platinum -
Total points

Lyam -
- 0 -

John -
- 0 -

Adeline -
- 0 -

Dawn -
- 0 -

Victoria -
- 0 -

Galen -
- 0 -

William -
- 0 -

Orion -
- 0 -

Garrow -
- 0 -

Shinori -
- 0 -

Blue -
- 0 -

Osdon -
- 0 -



24-Jan-2017 20:44:45 - Last edited on 07-Feb-2017 07:17:35 by Rexost



Posts: 1,182 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Current Tasks

Rexost said :

A spiritual guardian, normally only found in Daemonhiem, has begun defending a random signpost south of Falador. Its been attacking anyone who gets close, and foot travel has been stopped. Some of the local White Knights have enjoyed dueling it, but someone is going to get hurt. Take care of it.

Assigned to: Victoria

I've been out working, too, and I've managed to lure a few Basilisks into my basement. Totally on purpose. Really. I'm a slayer master of course it was on purpose. But if you could come by and deal with them, that'd be great. Don't forget a mirror shield!

Assigned to: Galen

A team task! The Kandarin Crown has a dragon problem, and its up to you two to stop it. Farms near Yanille have been going up in flames, and reports have identified a red dragon being the offender. Its big, scary, and not to be taken lightly. Work with together, get to know each other's tactics, and this shouldn't be your last task.

Assigned to: Adeline and William

You've gone great against mindless monsters, but its time to assign you a tactical threat instead of just a beast. Spiritual Rangers typically stay in the God Wars Dungeon, but two have gone AWOL and have started hailing arrows down from the ridges around Burthrope, calling those below heathans. Either chase them back inside the hole in the north or put them down for good.

Assigned to: Lyam

A small group of zombies has shambled up to a farm north of Ardougne. The farmers managed to clear out before any harm was done, but the undead have yet to leave. Send them on their way.

Assigned to: Blue

Deep in the caves under Morytania, theres a species of canine known as a Terror Dog. They're fast, they have sharp teeth, and they'll want you dead. Bring back the corpse of one for further study.

Assigned to: Osdon



24-Jan-2017 20:44:53 - Last edited on 07-Feb-2017 07:10:19 by Rexost



Posts: 1,182 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rexost said :

You've been doing impressive work against monsters so far, lets see how you can handle something with a bit more skill. I'm sure you've heard of the World Gate, and its properties. A Nihil, of all things, has come through recently and decided it owns the forest nearby. This won't be easy.

Assigned to: John

Okay so Killerwatts were too easy for you. Gargoyles, then. Four of em, and I want them as intact as possible, the Silverspine Wand Company especially would like their talons. The Slayer Tower north of Cannifis should have a few.

Assigned to: Dawn

The Slayer Tower in Cannifis will be the site of many tasks, and you've got the first one. Infernal Mages are barely human, corrupted by dark magics that have twisted their minds. One has a magical staff that belongs to a man in town. Go get it back.

Assigned to: Orion

Edgeville is having a bit of a pyrefiend problem. Two were responsible for burning down a store, and they've taken up residence in the ashes and foundation. I'd be careful of wearing metal armor for this one, they may

Assigned to: Garrow

A few miles south of your previous task theres a small camp of Chaos Dwarves. They aren't your task, the Chaos Giant thats been seen milling about with them is. Kill it an escape before the Dwarves can do too much damage.

Assigned to: Shinori



24-Jan-2017 20:45:00 - Last edited on 07-Feb-2017 07:33:30 by Rexost

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