Character's Name: Fraenoc
Character's Age: 23
Character's Race: Human – Orgionally from the Moon Clan
Character's Religion: He doesn’t know just yet, agnostic
Small summary: Dreams are a powerful thing for Fraenoc, being born in the Moon Clan tends to place an importance on these kinds of things. Fraenoc showed aptitude for soothsaying and fortune telling but when his dreams began to take darker edges with visons of smoke, shadow, blood, and ice the elders became worried and sent him into exile to protect the clan. Now, wandering Fraenoc is looking for what these symbols mean and a way, if possible, to return home.
Requested Fame: Adventurer
Appearance: Fraenoc is tallish and loves the colour purple and magically colours his hair various shades of pink/purple.
Equipment(s): Often found with magic equipment, most often his Lunar gear.
Role-Play Experience: Uhh like a 2-3, (no previous runescape role-play experience)
Languages: Common
Currency: Not much, a bunch of runes though
12-Sep-2021 06:47:26