
Ar Cyfrifoldebau a Phleserau

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The Kingdom of Misthalin, a powerful force in the east, is a kingdom that like Kharid exists far, far away; but its relations are relatively important to any Camelite representative. They would control the land routes between Kharid and Camelot, after all, for a long period of the journey.

Their population is soaring as they control a great deal of farmland in the south, yet their economy has not always fared well. Their culture is similar to that of the Asgarnians, though their religious fervor has not always been so zealously Saradominist. Some would even claim Zarosianism, the Godless and Zamorakians have major footholds here.

Like Kharid, it is unlikely our people will ever come into contact with them on the battlefield. However, should the day come- their army is more oriented towards the typical western fashion. A mix of light and heavy infantry with crossbows, archers and cavalry.

Due to their superior numbers compared to our people, it is my recommendation you try outsmarting them as opposed to overwhelming them. Try ambushes to whittle their morale- it should not be as fanatical as that of the other factions you may face- and avoid direct confrontations with the enemy without the aid of protective walls. If you do confront them, prepare standard ranks, unless they assault you with volleyfire. In that case, retaliate with a loose formation of longbows, and fall back as your men loose arrows to close the gaps in their own ranks when the enemy charges.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:28:18 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:42:20 by BloxzorKBG



Posts: 1,191 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The Kingdom of Asgarnia is a sleeping giant that despises our possessions of power due to how I struck one of their kin out of power long ago. I later released him from house arrest, after only a few weeks of keeping, but do not let them play tricks on your mind- they will never care for us. They will only work with Camelot when a Grey sits on the throne again.

I despise Asgarnians for their religious fervor and the fanatical devotion they will forever hold for a mixed political and religious system that hates our kind. Do not trust them. Their religious beliefs center around the Saradominist church, although there are large minority groups of Armadyleans, Godless, Guthixians and Zamorakians within their state.

On the battlefield, they are similar to the Misthalites- though this group will be more zealous than you'd have faced before, and a direct confrontation will be even more dangerous. If you can pull the strings, it's best to focus the Chosen Battalion's efforts into defeating them for you, as they serve as a buffer state.

Should you be faced with no other choice but to stand and fight, assume a defensive position with closed ranks of longbowmen in the Tri Tân volley tactic I taught you; three rows of longbowmen, one kneeling, one standing, one behind; each row having a pinpointed target on the opponent's body. This, in my belief, may be the only way of stopping the Asgarnian army's more heavily-armoured troops.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:28:22 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:43:01 by BloxzorKBG



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There was a time when I helped place the Vekon of Kandarin on the throne, during the assault of Yanillian forces to retake the walls of Ardougne. I came to my senses soon enough and felt regret, as the Vekon have shown themselves to be interested in only one thing, and that being the reunifiction of the rest of the empire of old under their own banner. The Kandars are also known for their old genocides against our people- for this, I hold a grievance.

I have little good to speak of the Kandars, and it is wise to not place faith in their hands. That being said, their culture is more democratic (Though hardly so in practice) than that of most other kingdoms, and exports more wheat than any other political entity of this era. Their society is also based largely around military service, which I will address.

The army of the Vekon of Kandarin is the most experienced and well-disciplined military group I've encountered yet. Their primary force is infantry, though cavalry and crossbowmen are not unseen. Testudo formation is a common tactic with their square shields and hastas, which also poses a threat to the common longbow-based tactics of our own.

As of yet, I still hold no key answer as to the common question regarding 'How to defeat the army of the Kandars'. The best answer I can provide you with is that it's key to break their formations of closed ranks with boulders hurled by our battlemages. Only then can their ranks be torn apart by longbow volleys, and the remnants cleaned up with a wall of halberds.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:28:26 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:43:46 by BloxzorKBG



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The Fremennik

The peoples of the north are different from many of the humans you will meet in this world, but do not take this for a sign of trustworthiness- they are just as much liars as any, as I have experienced firsthand.

Their culture is a harsh one. Outsiders are barely permitted, and our kind is spat upon when we step foot in their towns and cities. Interestingly enough, they place a great deal of focus on honor- but that doesn't make a dent on the same kind of court intrigue that plagues them as it does us.

Their military is also primarily comprised of levies, so you'll find yourself confronting a far more flexible force should you engage them head on. That being said, their population is thin, and you shouldn't need to worry about numbers much.

Their troops usually rely upon shield walls, or as they call them, scildwalls- where each man locks his shield in place, shoulder to shoulder, in a self-explanatory line formation. It's moderately effective at stopping our bowmen, but the same Tri Tân volley tactic I taught you should be able to match them. Be wary if they get too close, however- closing ranks is dangerous against them so long as our troops are trained to engage with halberds. If their charge is successful, they'd easily break through our halberds and engage our pole-armed men with sidearms. It would be a massacre.

With all that in mind, it is wise to make increased use of cavalry around them. Their insistence on engaging with axes has weakened their numbers using effective polearms, thus we shouldn't have a problem with standard circle-and-shoot formations with horse archers. Their archers, too, are few in number; making this tactic all the more reasonable in open fields.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:28:31 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:44:27 by BloxzorKBG



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The Karamjans

The Karamjans have always been an ally to our family, but I do not believe they should be trusted- only used. They don't care for relations, after all, only coin.

They align themselves as allies with the Chosen Battalion- in this sense, they're far more effective in combat with numbers than we ever will be. However, I will go off of the assumption that the reader is wise enough to not fight both the Chosen Battalion and Karamja at once.

Their primary force consists of trained-from-birth slave soldiers. They use standard formations, just as any army does, and comprise vast numbers. They're rather dull, but if anything can be said of them it's their unwavering loyalty and refusal to route or surrender.

Screening this army will be the KDF- The Karamjan Defense Force. They are a far smaller army, but are well-equipped- adamant chainmail and large-scale usage of heavy crossbows. They're more likely to turn tail and run than their counterparts, but that's assuming you can defeat them in an open fight.

The best tactic I could come up with to defeat this would be loose formations of longbowmen, picking off the KDF until the main army closed the distance with your army. At that point, the only solution seems to be to force your men to use crystal swords and shields as opposed to the halberds of preference and fight it out from there. It would be bloody.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:29:15 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:45:52 by BloxzorKBG



Posts: 1,191 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Closing Thoughts

If I have learned anything at this point, it is that reasoning with humans does not work. Every man is in it for himself. Have there been exceptions? Yes- isolated ones.

The humans will try to take what you have. Do not let them, Kywel. Do not let them, Tailynn. Stand together. If division and dissent spreads among the ranks, stomp it out- it's too dangerous to deal with multiple elven factions carrying out infighting while the humans grow in numbers everyday.

I will return someday to you both, and with me will be an army greater than any army of elves ever seen. On that day, we will retake our empire, and bring peace to the world.

I love you both.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:29:41 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:46:27 by BloxzorKBG

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