
Ar Cyfrifoldebau a Phleserau

Quick find code: 237-238-831-65894343



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A pair of stacks of notes, transferred discreetly by way of courier to the Telemmaitë estate, would be taken into the hands of the family. The courier, as well as contents of the notes, would verify they had come from the western shores of Isafdar. The notes were sealed by way of rolls and the Patriarch's stamp.

One copy would enter the Southerlands and be brought to Duke Kywel, the other would be sent to Baxtorian Falls and delivered to Countess Tailynn.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:26:51 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:48:20 by BloxzorKBG



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I dedicate this works of my life to my people, to my family,

To my sister, Tailynn; for being the light of my life through the darkness that enveloped many of our family's days in the human lands, and never letting go of me.

To my cousin, Círdan; for standing by me. You knew my faults, you disagreed with my actions, but you kept true to defending your kin, even as I wronged you too many times over. I could never ask for a better friend to have spent my time in the east with.

And to my firstborn son, Kywel.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:27:02 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:33:28 by BloxzorKBG



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Regarding Our Purpose

A very wise friend of mine- one whom someday, you may meet yourself- brought a question into my heart. A question of why we are here. This is not so much a question into the purpose of why life exists, but rather, why we have chosen to venture east of Arandar and the safety of our seemingly Utopian homeland to instead take upon ourselves a life of labor, stress and heartache.

The truth is that we are here because we choose to be. We leave ourselves to our fates out here on the grounds of choice. We want to experience what others have, and we desire to explore the world around us that our Mother opened to our people so long ago. You should never find yourself in need of questioning your purpose in being in the east- if you do, you may as well return to the western shores with me already, as doubt is a seed that roots itself and reaps only discomfort and unfulfillment.

This is not to say the east is all that brings benefit. From time to time- and no elf can deny this- you will face an urge to go west and experience the warmth Seren brings again into our souls. It is inevitable. But do not be discouraged- your destiny is your own. Choose as you will- safety, or curiosity.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:27:44 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:35:30 by BloxzorKBG



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Regarding Men

Humans are a race that you will find yourself interacting with- perhaps even growing attached to very often while outside of our homeland. I have never gotten along with others in terms of my feelings towards them, but I will concede; not all are bad, and yet not all are good either. You will need to make choices on your own without my guidance.

As for the joining of bonds with them in marriage, here I must disagree. An elf cannot marry a human, or the human will perish early. The elf will forever suffer and lament over the loss of their mate for the rest of their many centuries of life.

I do not trust humans, and anyone reading this has no doubt on the truth behind what I speak. But the actions I took were wrong, I see now, looking back on my life. Do not make the same mistakes as I have.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:27:48 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:37:04 by BloxzorKBG



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On our Crystals

Seren herself does not seem to mind where we take fragments of her, but even as we bring more supplies into Hailawën, I still understand that we mustn't let humans get their hands on the power source in large-scale quantities. It's too dangerous; for if the humans could muster an army's worth of halberds sung by the Ithell to the durability of runite, we would be faced with extinction from the Southerlands. They would, in a fit of jealousy, seeking the weapons and crystal, drive us out in demand of more of Seren's fragments, until all is gone from our people, ripe for their picking.

If there is ever a shortage and you find yourself in need, simply call for aids from the stewards of Prifddinas, as they will be sure to answer your call. Expect yourself to be responsible for the shipping however, and respect that- it's cumbersome enough to have to collect crystals all day back in the capital.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:27:52 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:36:57 by BloxzorKBG



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My Findings

If I have studied anything, it has been our crystals. Eternally preserved and blessed by the Goddess Herself, the crystals I have used for these studies were from the capital, and as such contain the properties that those kinds would have;

My studies found that crystals have been incredibly resilient to any form of piercing or slashing attack, although they are only as effective as runite or lesser in deflecting the blunt trauma from a mace or anything like it. This makes crystals especially effective for use in plated armour.

For lack of a better term, I have to give the same verdict- crystals seem to act exactly the same as their metallic counterparts in this regard. This has lead to their use in halberds and other such crystalline weapons, as would be expected.

Here is where things make less sense. While they matched their metallic counterparts in almost every way, they aren't like metal- they don't bend. If you run a man through, for example, with a steel sword, you'll likely note how the thin metal bends, so it does not break off. With crystal however, there is no way for the crystal to bend- it would simply break off. This is why many crystal swords resemble daggers or a broader gladius as opposed to a true arming sword.

Crystal seems very conductive of magic. Moreso, in fact, than metal. While its magical properties seem to vary depending on its grade, the results seem to be mostly the same in the end- it's very conductive, and can be enchanted for combatative or passive use.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:27:57 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:38:59 by BloxzorKBG



Posts: 1,191 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To Our New Home

The Elven Wood of the Southerlands is fortified by all manner of natural defenses, as it should be. Regardless of how you expand our people, the key and center of it all is Hailawën- this must not be lost. If it is, Baxtorian Falls will be all that remains for us in the east, and while Baxtorian Falls is holy by all means, it is sparsely settled and difficult to fend human folk off from.

Allow guests in begrudgingly. Apply teleblocking procedures where you find necessary, and try nature magic from the Meilyr from time to time to cover up the tracks in the woods that lead to the County's capital- it will go a long way to stopping brigands.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:28:01 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:39:32 by BloxzorKBG



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The Kingdoms

Here I will regard each of the kingdoms with my thoughts on them, and how they should be treated with, though diplomatic circumstances may change at any given moment.

The kingdoms are of human nature, for the most part, so my opinion will be biased, but heed my words; for they are not without knowledge by experience.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:28:05 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:40:19 by BloxzorKBG



Posts: 1,191 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kharid and the Desert

While far-off from your seat of power, the desert-dwellers are a powerful trading force that has always aligned itself with Camelot. It's within the best interests of anyone who desires to have the gold in their pocket to keep their guards' spears pointed at the enemy managing this trade deal, as well as keeping their economy safe from foreign threat.

Their culture is one of isolation from the western kingdoms; one of an entirely different flavor. I have met few of them, but they seem to care little if your ears are jagged or rounded; only, if you are merit-worthy. They adhere to the law of a pantheon of gods from the desert, with few other minor religions in their territory, among them Zarosians and Saradominists.

I believe you will have little trouble in the way of fighting them- as you never should- but if the day comes, know this; much of their army is light infantry, and their camel cavalry is the best they have for auxiliaries. They will try skirmishing, whittling you down, but the best approach to this is maintaining a distance with longbowmen and cutting them down in a semi-loose formation; should they commence a charge, your standard ranks should hold.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad

25-Mar-2017 03:28:09 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2017 03:41:30 by BloxzorKBG

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