My greetings to the King of Camelot, Tommen Calderon.
You are cordially invited to the Holy Kingdom of Asgarnia's Spring Soirée, a tradition held by the Asgarnian people to celebrate spring, along with the blessings of fertility and growth.
The main day of festivity is the 18th of Raktuber, and we recommend sporting brighter, cheerier colours for spring. Please inform us if you have any dietary restrictions, be it magical or biological, and we will attempt to accomodate.
Your immediate family members are also extended an invitation, and you are permitted a non-relative plus-one as well as a guard force numbering no more than six, if you wish.
I hope to see you there,
Saradomin's Blessings upon you,
Lord Edolas
yea i finally wrote this up lol
Mods pls notice me
04-May-2017 02:17:22