So, you have a easier job watching Morytania, Misthalin, Asgarnia and the open sea of both the east and north? I highly doubt that Pyro you'd have more trouble keeping track on who comes in and out. That includes the west also.
You do know that traveling from one location to another can take up to more than a week in narrative perspective right? So logically speaking, your men, would need to guard an entire boarder of about a month and a half (maybe more.) So you'd logically need an Army worth of an entire city (or three) to actually guard the border?
You may have a group Pyro. But from what I and several others witnessed, you don't have the players to rp with. You always claim you have an entire group, when most of your clan members are non-rpers. You can try to correct me if you want, but we have people who were in your clan, left, and actually came to us tell us you don't have the rpers. This backs up the fact that you go around and ask for an army to help you. Yes, you go around asking people, who aren't in our group, to help you rp, in return they have something.
Also, you spoke to me in-game about the situation, and you openly admitted you were wrong on doing so. You openly admitted that you hired the assassin, against world 42 rule because you were upset with advent oocly over the fact that your plan, to bully the bully, was stupid and and a horrible method to do. Your character had no reason to kill his ALREADY DEAD character. Before you state "Pyro didn't know he was dead" That's your own damn fault, you still hired an assassin for ooc reason. Even if Pyro wanted him dead, you didn't make sure the character was dead, all you said to the person you hired, was to kill Raul's character, you never said name, you never said leader, you said "Raul's Character"
The poor dude had to come to us and ask who's Raul. You provided no further info but "kill"
27-May-2018 00:04:56