Gladiatocs's Profile
This user has made 32 posts
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The Elven Land
in forum Roleplaying - In-Game QFC: 237-238-391-65867888
ï¦ï The Sicarius ï¦ï
in forum Roleplaying - In-Game QFC: 237-238-465-66062580

The Quest Collective
in forum Roleplaying - In-Game QFC: 237-238-771-66047891
Are you kidding me...?
in forum Roleplaying - In-Game QFC: 237-238-970-63571286
The Godless
in forum Roleplaying - In-Game QFC: 237-238-788-65941150
Kingdom of Misthalin
in forum Roleplaying - In-Game QFC: 237-238-778-65940803

‡ The Kinshra Knights‡
in forum Roleplaying - In-Game QFC: 237-238-641-65803387