Character's small summery:
Long ago this particular hero's mantle was well known across the lands, but he suddenly vanished. After several years a new hero takes the name returning from a long absence using his similar abilities to restore not only the mantle but hope in his wake.
Requesting Rank:
Role-Play Experience: scale of 1-10 (Note that if your experience is below 5 you might not get the rank you're requesting.)
Character's Name/Age/Race
Frog Man/21/Human
The Spectacular Frog Man
"I have fixed broken men, patched together broken minds, and mended the souls of weeping spirits. Do not tell me what I do is easy, little girl."
~ Christopher Aren
The Application below is to keep track of those who completed a quest. And to also get famous
Character's Name: Mikhail Veneifr ( Semele )
Character's Age: 26
Character's Race: "human"
Character's Religion: None
Character's small summery: Makhail stands at 6'1 and has a modest build, he could pass for a smith or laborer of some kind, his hair is long and black though he has been known to cut it every now and then, his eyes are blueand he speaks with a thick vyre like accent. most of the time Mikhail can be seen sporting either a happy grin or a blank stare into nothingness. He carries on him a backpack which stores many different survival type items as well as a large knife with a glass breaker pommel and saw like teeth along the back portion of the flat of the blade, a guard to protect his fingers and a thick actual blade that looks like it could plunge into thin armor, chain or any leather. He carries a meat hook on top of that swell as a small cross bow that looks like it is more geared tords hunting small game than people.
Requesting Rank: anything
Role-Play Experience: 5-6?
from the darkness we came, to the darkness we shalt return.