Username: You can read.
Character Name: Mikhail
Age: 205
Appearance: 6'3, muscular like many other of his kind, often found baring Kinshra armor with a long crimson spear, goggles, and a bandana over his face, covering all but his Mohawk.
Military or Civilian: Military
Civilian? What Job: N/A
BREIF History: Mikhail started his life as a combatant in the slums od Varrock, often mugging people and taking all they had to sell for himself. The longer he lived, the more he started to get involved with combative groups. He became a soldier first when he met the Pravens in Canifis at the dawn of the mighty Tsardom of Canifis. Ever since it's decline he's remained a strong supporter of Independent Canifis and is always willing to lay down his life. Before returing to serve under Al, he found himself joining the Kinshra briefly to get more in tune with his Zamorakian faith, but after their crippling defeat to Asgarnia due to a severe failure in leadership, He came back home.
Any Extra Details: I
hate you.
Founder of the "Anti-Daniel" gang.
16-Aug-2016 17:43:12