We go by lore names because that's the lore. Simply put. People have named kingdoms/cities/towns/villages different things before, but going back to the lore roots is in no way a problem. That
realistic to the
realism -- its lore.
Also, Varrock does not have French design. You're thinking Ardougne, especially considering the name "Ardougne" is French-influenced.
That about sums up my general opinion on this. Besides, I'm pretty sure Varrock started as Avarrocka, named after one of the lore heroes.
It was indeed originally Avarrocka! But not named after a hero. It was a random string of syllables.
And who are you to change those syllables because they arent french enough im confused
Nasty Smell
Let's rename Varrock to Versailles
I like that name. It isn't very strong sounding, but it's pretty. Kind of effeminate, in a way, so I think if any royalty were to have renamed the city, the Lansings would probably picked this.
Save yourself.
Savior self.
I think the majority of comments giving genuine criticism in regards to "It's the game's lore, it is what's realistic to the world it's in" is more than valid. And I'd end up echoing it. It's where Gielinor is and it's what the culture dictates. It's not Earth, it's not Europe, it's not North or South America and it's not Asia. (Though you can equate certain accents to the different regions, but that's about as far as "realism" will go.)
So like... Menaphos is Constantinople?
"The gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again." - Achilles, Troy
So like... Menaphos is Constantinople?
I swore I wouldn't post on this thread, but:
Well, realistically, Al Kharid would be the closest to Constantinople. But even that's a bit of a stretch, seeing as Al Kharid appears to have more Arabic than Turkish influences. Menaphos is more like Thebes or any other ancient Egyptian capital.
Hi, I'm Dan.
10-Jan-2018 02:43:29
- Last edited on
10-Jan-2018 02:47:56
So like... Menaphos is Constantinople?
I swore I wouldn't post on this thread, but:
Well, realistically, Al Kharid would be the closest to Constantinople. But even that's a bit of a stretch, seeing as Al Kharid appears to have more Arabic than Turkish influences. Menaphos is more like Thebes or any other ancient Egyptian capital.
I later thought Alexandria, but with the recent changes with the districts, the river, and the trade port, Constantinople was the first thing to come to my mind lol.
"The gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again." - Achilles, Troy
So like... Menaphos is Constantinople?
I swore I wouldn't post on this thread, but:
Well, realistically, Al Kharid would be the closest to Constantinople. But even that's a bit of a stretch, seeing as Al Kharid appears to have more Arabic than Turkish influences. Menaphos is more like Thebes or any other ancient Egyptian capital.
I later thought Alexandria, but with the recent changes with the districts, the river, and the trade port, Constantinople was the first thing to come to my mind lol.
Well, yeah, and it isn't going to be exactly the same, else it wouldn't be Gielinor's Menaphite culture and society. I would say that the entire desert takes cultural, geographical and structural influences from all over that particular region of Earth. It's just that most would lean towards ancient Egyptian (so, Thebes/Alexandria/other Egyptian capitals) influences for Menaphos itself.
Hi, I'm Dan.