Structure of the Order
Marshall -
Supreme Commander of the Order
Grand Theologian -
Head of the internal Saradomist, head of all monks.
Grand Librarian -
Head of the Order's Library and Archives.
Grand Inquisitor -
Head of the Order's Inquisition.
Castellan -
Put in charge of a castle, town/city or a chapter stronghold. Equviliant to a Baron, Count or Duke based on holding's size.
Knight -
A full member of the order, has the honorific "sir" or "lady"
Squire -
A Knight in training, must be of a noble background or admitted for their potential by a Knight.
Specialized Roles:
Monk -
A Knight who has taken special vows to poverty and service to Saradomin. Typically given training in Saradominist theology and oration. They are tasked with spreading the word of Saradomin and acting as mediators in communities the order is present. It's often said their prayers are known to bring about miracles, lift curses and bless weapons.
Paladin -
A knight given magical training, they fight in heavy armour and wield magic and sword.
Inquisitor -
Individuals tasked with rooting out heresy and subversive elements both within the order and in the wider world. They are used both as internal security and sometimes as spies and agents abroad.
Librarian -
Keepers of tomes, these knights are less combat oriented and more focused on understanding the world. They are well versed in the history of Gielnor, its inhabitants and the legends of it. They have a thorough understanding of Demonology and of the bestiary of Gielnor.
Scribe -
A Squire selected to train as a Librarian.
Levies/militia/mercenaries -
Levies: Peasants and free persons conscripted during war or times of crisis.
Militias: local citizens defence for keeping the peace
Mercenary: hired soldiers
The Order of Light (W41)
24-Dec-2017 23:40:50
- Last edited on
25-Dec-2017 18:15:05
That Canada