(These are written in the In-Character point of view of the Empress)
The Imperial Vassals
The Grand Duchy of Camelot
Duke Robard could be trusted with any secret or any mission. No matter the cost to himself. Camelot's coal mines must be trusted in the hands of a rightful Duke who understands the power of the Imperial Throne. This House Reinhardt seems hungry for their chance of power. And power corrupts absolute.
The Grand Duchy of Yanllia
House Aren has long ruled the south. House Aren has long been loyal to my Family. And House Aren has long been a source of conflict within the Empire. My Father was close friends to Christopher Aren but as many good that has come from that Household, as many evil has come forth. Their rule has been fair, but the magics they dabble in must always come with a price.
The Duchy of Ardougne and Kardia
The Duke Greyson has been a loyal and faithful vassal to my Father and I hope in turn to me. Under his leadership, Ardougne and the surrounding lands as been ruled rightfully and with justice that is expected of a Imperial Noble. His bravely during the Battle of Witchaven and his upstanding loyalty to the Saradomin Faith is all what my vassals shall achieve to be.