
† Imperial Asgarnia †

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Imperial Asgarnia

“When I first set out to make my name known to the world, I never imagined that things would play out quite like this. I hoped to restore my family name, titles and lands, to bring glory back to our House. Where my father had been content to live in drunken squalor and use his title for no more than arrogant claims of power we no longer possessed, I intended to truly make my ancestors proud. I wonder what they would think now that I’ve become ruler of a foreign land.

Regardless of my surprise I must still do my duty both to Lord Saradomin and to my my Emperor. These Asgarnians may not trust me at first, may even despise Imperial rule to begin with but I will show them that I can be the champion they need in their darkest hour. Together we were able to force the dragons away from the capitol, chase them down into their lair and destroy the ancient beast that lead them against us.

Together we will reunify Asgarnia, both its lands and its peoples and show them that their future lies with the Kandar Empire. We will destroy all those that would threaten the sanctity of our borders and finally bring true prosperity to the kingdom.”

-The Diary of Jacob Delvar

Full thanks to Salt Aren for letting me use the original thread as a template

03-Nov-2018 16:31:03 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2018 17:20:31 by Arenaride134



Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Welcome to Asgarnia, a group dedicated to text-based roleplay in the region of the same name in RuneScape lore. This group is current led by my own character Jacob Delvar as a vassal state of the Kandar Empire.

I have heard a considerable amount about the previous disagreement between the Asgarnian POK and the Asgarnian hub and while I hope that these issues have been laid to rest by now I want to make it clear I am aware of and willing to be flexible regarding this issue. For the moment this group will be labeled as a POK within the larger Kandar Empire POK however I remain keen on encouraging other groups to rp here as the hub did.


Leaders In Character:
Arenaride134 (King Jacob Delvar)


Trial Admins:

Friends’ Chat:

03-Nov-2018 16:31:21 - Last edited on 12-Nov-2018 20:15:20 by Arenaride134



Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

1.1 Introduction
1.2 General Information
1.3 Contents
1.4 Mission & Upcoming Events
1.5 Rules For General Roleplayers
1.6 Domain
1.7 Hierarchy
1.8 Diplomatic Relations
1.9 Application System
1.10 A Word About Events

2.1 Census
2.2 Census - Cont
2.3 Census - Cont
2.4 Census - Cont
2.5 Census - Cont
2.6 Real Estate
2.7 Businesses
2.8 Event History
2.9 Event History
2.10 Event History

3.1 Kandar Empire Law
3.2 The Erysailite Code - Laws of Asgarnia
3.3 The Erysailite Code Continued
3.4 The Erysailite Code Continued
3.5 The Erysailite Code Continued
3.6 The Erysailite Code Continued
3.7 The Erysailite Code Continued
3.8 The Erysailite Code Continued
3.9 The Erysailite Code Continued

4.1 Additional Rules and Standards for Administrators
4.2 Additional Rules and Standards for Administrators Continued
4.3 Helpful Links In Character
4.4 Helpful Links In Character Continued
4.5 Helpful Links Out of Character
4.6 Helpful Links Out of Character Continued
4.10 Special Thanks

03-Nov-2018 16:31:41 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2018 17:15:42 by Arenaride134



Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Imperial Asgarnia and its development team are dedicated to presiding over and hosting roleplay in the geographical area of Asgarnia. Our goal goes beyond this, however, and we desire to create a welcoming environment that combines professionalism with creativity.

Upcoming Events

Royal Corronation

Jacob Delvar is being crowned as King of Asgarnia, All are invited to attend.

When: 04/11/2018
Location: Falador Castle

03-Nov-2018 16:32:14 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2018 17:14:38 by Arenaride134



Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rules for General Roleplayers

If you are seriously interested in joining this group then you are expected to conduct yourself like a respectful, mature adult. That is the only rule that applies to all roleplayers. Failure to exhibit acceptable behavioral affect will result in a swift kick out of Asgarnia.

03-Nov-2018 16:32:47 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2018 17:16:28 by Arenaride134



Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


The capital region of Asgarnia and the seat of the national government.


A holy island to the south of Taverly. Host of the Abbey of St. Edward Aren-Grey.


The region west of Falador and south of Taverly.


The region north of Falador. Currently the area west of Ice Mountain is under the occupation of the goblins.

The area covering Burthope and Taverly.


All lands south of Falador excluding the farming estate directly to the south of the city which is attached to the lands of Falador itself.

03-Nov-2018 16:33:06 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2018 17:17:14 by Arenaride134



Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The Hierarchy of Imperial Asgarnia is as follows:

The Emperor

Axel Vekon the Redeemer is the ultimate authority to which the entire vassal state of Asgarnia must bow. In general practice he is not involved with the day to day running of the state but he is recognized as its overall leader. Played by Vekon.

The King

King Jacob Delvar is the recognized head of the vassal state of Imperial Asgarnia. Responsible for leading the Asgarnian admin/development team, directing team members, and assumes overall responsibility for the roleplay group. Played by Arenaride134.

The Asgarnian Council

Following the model structure of the Empire itself, Asgarnia has its own council made up of the most powerful figures in the Kingdom. These include: The King, the Duke of Eastmarch, the Duke of Sarimia, the Duke of Lassaria, the Chancellor of Falador, the Treasurer and the Grand General of the Asgarnian Military.

In details these roles involve

- Duke of Eastmarch - Ruler of the territories of Eastmarch (Merca)
- Duke of Sarimia - Ruler of the territories of Sarimia (Ashtorette)
- Duke of Blackmarch - Ruler of the territories of Blackmarch
- Chancellor of Falador - Ruler of all the capital territories
- Treasurer - In charge of Kingdom Finances - Jeoffery Sicarius (Ridaku)
- Grand General of the Asgarnian Military - In charge of the military and naval forces

03-Nov-2018 16:34:01 - Last edited on 12-Nov-2018 20:15:05 by Arenaride134



Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Diplomatic Relations

If you wish to have your group added to this section, please leave a message on this thread and it will be done.

The Holy Kandar Empire

Held in high regard as the protectors of Asgarnia. Although some lingering resentment against the vassal status of Asgarnia remains there is also general relief now that the Kingdom has been unified and local Asgarnian Imperial soldiers are taking up the role of securing its territories to improve internal relations.

Kingdom of Misthalin

Held in fair standing. The Kingdom of Misthalin has fallen far since its peak under the Lansings of the Fifth Age.

The White Knights

Held in good standing and regarded as Saradomin’s faithful knights.

The Desert


03-Nov-2018 16:34:21 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2018 17:18:06 by Arenaride134



Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
New Members

New Members

Characters who wish to join are encouraged to submit an in-character letter here on the forums, to the King, stating their name, interest in becoming a citizen of Asgarnia, faith, and experience. If you are familiar with letters of intent then this is essentially a short version of such a letter.

After the letter is received and read a date and time will be organized for an introduction roleplay, and if your character is accepted by the Kingdom they can begin their life anew in Asgarnia.

For those in a hurry please fill out the following:

Character name/Age/Race/Religion/Role applied for

Returning / Current Members

Unfortunately as I do not know many of the members of the previous Asgarnian POKs and have not seen many of them in any of the Asgarnian RPs I attended I'm going to have to ask all those still active and interested in being a part of this group to post a quick message on this thread to confirm this.

TAKE NOTE - Some characters that held leadership positions in the last two variations of Asgarnia have had their position revoked, and have been placed on the census with the job title of “Former (title)”.

03-Nov-2018 16:38:03 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2018 18:05:00 by Arenaride134



Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A Word About Events

Although the dragon wars are over members will still be allowed and encouraged to host events. Official events are hostable by any member of Asgarnia and will be posted on this thread by the person hosting the event. Official event posts are to include the following:

Name of Event




Any Special Considerations (i.e. “Bring Weapons”, “No Weaponry Allowed”, etc.)

03-Nov-2018 16:38:14 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2018 17:20:13 by Arenaride134

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