"The darkness of night does naught to contain
The desires of flesh and blood.
Yet its call reaches to the yearning souls
Worthy of the Black Meadow."
In the aftermath of one being’s endgame, another’s begins to take shape. Caravans travel across impossibly treacherous lands, bearing nothing but stones. Almost overnight, a company has moved into every major city across the land and despite its sales skyrocketing, mysterious illnesses and even deaths have been reported by many of their customers. Inquisitive rural folk have spotted large dog-like men just beyond their torchlight with their animals found dead in the morning. Stranger still, sailors have reported magical anomalies far from any land masses which disappear at first light. Even the denizens of Morytania, human, Vampyre and Werewolf alike, have noticed strangers in dark cloaks without a scent watching the major settlements. Yet the one thing that connects this all calls to those who merely wish to seek it.
Hello, and welcome to the thread of my biggest and final plot! Unfortunately, this coming year is going to be incredibly busy so I won’t be able to get on often any more. This plot has been something I’ve wanted to do for years, but never really got the opportunity to. Anyone and everyone is invited to participate, though this will be a little bit different than your standard RSRP plot. More information down below!