A letter was hastily delivered with the seal of the Concendo family upon it.
I am writing on behalf of myself, the Concendo family, and several of the Aren family in order to discuss transaction with you. We have been made aware of the fact that there have been many prisoners sent to you from Sarim by the Kinshra. In the interest of our own business- which before now did not in any way relate to yours- we would be interested in purchasing them.
In addition, I am interested in purchasing soldiers. I understand that it is good practice to only sell a certain amount. However, we are very wealthy individuals, and we are more than capable of subsidizing any and all worries. We have our own ships and are quite capable of transporting them ourselves as well.
In spirit of good faith I will be visiting you tomorrow by ship in order to discuss this matter. I assure you, this will be very much worth your time.
May this venture prove mutually beneficial.
~Amara Concendo-Elysian
~ *Other signatures here, AKA Magus and Chris.*
Well, we may as well use all of this money for something good.