An envelope would make its way by courier to the Abbey's post. Addressed to the Head Abbess, it would be sealed by a wax with sparkling crystalline dust.
Head Abbess,
Upon opening my post, you honor me with your time. Though I do not put my faith in the humans' gods, I put faith in causes such as the mission of your Abbey.
I am a huntress at heart, a druid by practice. Though my magic needs work my apothecary skills are of an artisan. My marksmanship is well known by any whom threaten the innocent. As I stated earlier, though my faith does not lie in Saradomin, the teachings of Seren coincide with your Abbey's mission as I have read.
As I travel, time I spend in one place is often a fleeting moment in my long life. I hope, if you need a bow or healing hand, that I would be allowed the honor and happiness of respectfully assisting your Abbey for a time.
Egnigem, daughter of Isalyn of Isafdar.
01-Aug-2018 20:00:37
- Last edited on
01-Aug-2018 20:01:10