
† The Abbey of St. Edward †

Quick find code: 237-238-562-66019622

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

† The Abbey of St. Edward Aren-Grey, Vyrebane †

"O God, who tellest the number of the stars, and callest them all by their names: heal, we beseech Thee, the contrite in heart, and gather together the outcasts, and enrich us with the fulness of Thy wisdom..."

—Sarum Breviary, 11th Century

"A dark storm envelops the surrounding terrain. I pause, catching my breath, it has been too long since I last made the journey to this place, this graveyard of lost souls and forgotten prisoners of a time long ago. Trees have overtaken the battlefield and where it not for memories scarring I could not recall where I am. I reach the top of a gentle, sloping hill, my boots have long since been reduced to sloshing, soaking masses of leather, my cloak is a burden, my lungs are empty.

With sheer motive of will I draw another breath and soldier on, trekking through this forlorn and overgrown forest illuminated only by the momentary shimmer of lightning gracing the sky above. At last I have reached it. A clearing in a forest, on top of a hill. Upon this hill lay a towering foundation block of granite, protruding askew from the earth as erosion has eaten away the land it was originally planted in. No one remembers why it was placed here, but it was, and here it still stands. Upon this rock I will build my church."

-From the Journal of Jordan Whittaker, 6th Age

† The Abbey of St. Edward †
All that for a pile of bricks.

14-Jun-2018 22:53:49 - Last edited on 14-Jun-2018 23:31:14 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Contact Information:

FC: Salt Aren

Organizers: Salt Aren, Natalie Renderra

Discord Server: There will not be a discord server for this roleplay group. If you wish to mingle with friends outside of the game that is fine, but I will not be a part of it as I believe Discord along with Skype before it has hurt community interaction and activity more than it has helped. Feel free to disagree, but my opinion remains unchanged. Instead I encourage those who have interactions with the Abbey to leave an in-character letter on the forums here, or to leave an out-of-character message here, or to contact an Abbey member in game. If you need to contact someone involved with the Abbey outside of the game for whatever reason, please refer to Natalie Renderra's discord.

† The Abbey of St. Edward †
All that for a pile of bricks.

14-Jun-2018 22:53:55 - Last edited on 14-Jun-2018 23:12:33 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Table of Contents

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Contact Info
1.3 Table of Contents
1.4 Mission
1.5 The Contemplative
1.6 The Monastic
1.7 Domain
1.8 Hierarchy
1.9 Earthly Relations
1.10 Application System

2.1 Events
2.2 Members
2.3 The Erysailite Code

3.1 Uniforms and Appropriate Atire
3.2 Out of Character Rule
3.3 Special Thanks

† The Abbey of St. Edward †
All that for a pile of bricks.

14-Jun-2018 22:53:59 - Last edited on 14-Jun-2018 23:12:19 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The Abbey of St. Edward was founded in the early 6th Age with the stated mission of "assisting the poor, cherishing the sick and injured, and protecting thee who would not otherwise have defense against force of arms". In reality the Abbey, like the Medieval English monasteries it is partially based on, has more broad and complex world views.

The Abbey of St. Edwards is a Territorial Abbey, which is an Abbey outside the purview of a Diocese. As such, it forms its own laws under the guide of Saradomin's law, and the Head Abbess is equivalent to a Diocesan Bishop in the Church of Saradomin. There are two distinct branches of St. Edward's under the Head Abbess Whittaker, the Contemplative and the Monastic.

† The Abbey of St. Edward †
All that for a pile of bricks.

14-Jun-2018 22:54:02 - Last edited on 14-Jun-2018 23:12:05 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The Contemplative

The Contemplative focuses on prolonged thought, interpretation, and implementation of Saradomin's word. Composed of manual laborers, philosophers, musicians and other artists and engineers, the Contemplative branch prays for the souls of powerful individuals in exchange for donations. Having a keen business acumen, the Contemplative administers its own farm complete with chickens, sheep, cows, and produce, and is currently looking to expand into manufacture and winery. It is constantly on the lookout for new business opportunities, and generates a majority of wealth for the Abbey.

† The Abbey of St. Edward †
All that for a pile of bricks.

14-Jun-2018 22:54:05 - Last edited on 14-Jun-2018 23:14:09 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Monastic

The Monastic is a martial order under the command of a Constable. It performs military and legislative duties including safeguarding pilgrims, assisting the poor through financial and legal aid, providing medical care for the ill and injured, and defending the Abbey. Monastic Knights are granted Knighthood after a trial period by the Kingdom of Asgarnia under the authority of Head Abbess Whittaker, but can be hired by any Saradominist Kingdom for a hefty fee. As a territorial Abbey, the Monastic also forms laws for itself and the surrounding countryside, which is done via open forum. The legislature has a heavy Asgarnian influence however, and the closest thing the Abbey has to standing law is the Erysailite Code.

† The Abbey of St. Edward †
All that for a pile of bricks.

14-Jun-2018 22:54:14 - Last edited on 14-Jun-2018 23:14:55 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The Isle Entrana

With little objection from the squatters, who were quickly made to see His light and were put to work by the Monastic branch, the Abbey of St. Edwards has taken possession of and is in the process of restoring the Isle of Entrana to a state of greatness. Currently the Isle has a cathedral, several dormitories for the monks, a furnace for producing iron, steel and jewelry, a fledgling fishing industry, a farm that produces wheat and hops, and a brewery that produces Asgarnian Ale. The Isle serves as a place of worship for the Abbey, as a source of income, and as a safe haven. It is governed by the Abbey and by the Erysailite Code.

Kingdom of Asgarnia

The Abbey currently maintains a farm located in Southern Asgarnia, and is looking into the purchase of a manufacturing guild and land for raw materials.

Holy Kandar Empire

The Abbey of St. Edwards has been given permission and funding from the Emperor of Kandarin, Axel Vekon, to begin the construction of various monasteries and other places of worship throughout Kandarin. These monasteries are to distribute religious and worldly services and goods, respectively, to the needy in Kandarin.

While the great buildings of stone are under construction, religious services are held once a week for the townsfolk of Ardougne, Khazard, Yanille, Seers' Village, and Camelot. Confession is offered, and the Abbey prays for the good health and salvation of the Emperor and his family. Additionally, each monastery comes complete with its own farm, winery and brewery, which allows them to feed, clothe and provide for the needy of Kandarin. Excess goods are sold off to the locals and nobility, with the profits being split between the locals, taxes to the Emperor, and the Abbey.

† The Abbey of St. Edward †
All that for a pile of bricks.

14-Jun-2018 22:54:17 - Last edited on 18-Jun-2018 03:12:59 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Saradomin - God of Order. Can be found as an NPC in Falador. The Abbey will not be interacting with him directly.

Head Abbess - Head authority of the Abbey of St. Edward.

Abbot Contemplatia - Head of the Contemplative Branch. Duties include organizing roleplay, expanding business interests, and maintaining a healthy relationship with the earthly Lords of Gielinor.

Abbot Monastia - Head of the Monastic Branch. Duties include organizing roleplay, overseeing the Abbey's military presence in Gielinor, and maintaining a healthy relationship with the earthly Lords of Gielinor.

- The ranking members of the Abbey of St. Edward. Monks can choose to specialize in either the Contemplative or Monastic branches, depending on which roles they are suited for. Note that monks are expected to fufill roleplay generation duties and further the interests of the Abbey on their own time, and are given suitable freedom and independence to pursue those interests.

- A potential member who must first undergo a trial period in the Abbey. Most people who wish to join the Abbey must first join as a novice, and will be expected to perform the daily duties of maintaining the Abbey.

Lay Brother
- A non-Saradominist who is still granted a sort of quasi-membership in the Abbey due to loyal service. Very rarely granted and based on merit.

† The Abbey of St. Edward †
All that for a pile of bricks.

14-Jun-2018 22:54:22 - Last edited on 14-Jun-2018 23:16:23 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Earthly Relations

Details what, if any, relations exist between the Abbey and the rest of Gielinor.

Kingdom of Asgarnia

Held in good standing, Asgarnia has been the center of Saradominism since the 4th Age. Current political, economic, religious and cultural interests and similarities.

The Holy Kandar Empire

Held in very good standing. Kandarin hosts a large population of loyal Saradominists, and the Abbey has been granted special permission by the Emperor to preach to the masses, and has been allocated by him money and land to construct places of worship. Current economic, religious and cultural similarities.

Kingdom of Misthalin

Held in fair standing. The Kingdom of Misthalin was once known as a bastion of Saradominist faith that beat back Zamorakian Vyre hordes, but now has faded from that glory. Past political, religious and cultural similarities.

The Desert


Apologies if I missed your Kingdom/POC/group, I am quite rusty.

† The Abbey of St. Edward †
All that for a pile of bricks.

14-Jun-2018 22:54:25 - Last edited on 18-Jun-2018 02:38:39 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Application System

The Abbey will not use the typical application system that you are familiar with. Instead, characters who wish to join St. Edward's should submit an in-character letter here on the forums, to the Abbess, stating their name, interest in joining the Abbey, faith, and experience. If you are familiar with letters of intent then this is essentially a short version of such a letter.

After the letter is received and read a date and time will be organized for an introduction roleplay, and if your character is accepted by the Abbey they can begin their life anew at St. Edward's.

† The Abbey of St. Edward †
All that for a pile of bricks.

14-Jun-2018 22:54:28 - Last edited on 14-Jun-2018 23:19:02 by Aurelia I

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