
†The Holy Church of Saradomin†

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The Church of Saradomin


I confess to you, my brothers and sisters,
That I have sinned - in my thoughts, and in my words,

The elderly man was knelt before the altar,

In what I have done,

His head was bowed, his robes heavy over his shoulders,
His hands clasped before him, eyes held shut as his words echoed,

And in what I have failed to do.

The congregation followed, line by line, all in a similar pose,
Knelt in their pews, the rich and the poor - humbled before Saradomin,

And I ask blessed Elspeth, Ever Solemn,
All the Angels and Saints,
And you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord Our God,

He rose, his episcopal mitre towering, gilded and adorned with tiny sapphires,
He turned to face the congregation, the Star which hung from his neck swaying with his movement, his arms outstretched


And it was echoed.

Mass is ended, let us go in peace. Thanks be to Saradomin.
Praise be to the Lord.

With the looming times ahead, the faithful would need all the help and forgiveness they could get. Their task was a bloody one.

Heresy was the true enemy of the Church - Heresy and Unrepentant sin.
The world would need to be cleansed of those before Saradomin's Church could march to victory.

Amen indeed.


To contact me:

You'll easily find my skype if you can't reach me in-game.


29-Oct-2014 23:03:37 - Last edited on 13-Feb-2015 20:56:19 by Melkarth

Sep Member 2022


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Table of Contents
1.1 - Introduction
1.2 - Table of Contents
1.3 - Mission Statement
1.4 - Ecclesiastical Domains
1.5 - Status of Church Lands
1.6 - Titles & Styles (Reference post)
1.7 - Suspicions and Attitudes
1.8 - Applications & Selection Methods
1.9 - Events
1.0 - People & Characters involved ("Member" list)

2.1 - The Grand Synod of Cardinal Ecclesiarchs
2.2 - Upcoming Synod Meetings
2.3 - The Military and Hospitaller Order of the Monastic Knights of St. Gregory
2.4 - Ranks
2.5 - Uniforms
2.6 - The Saradominist Inquisition
2.7 - Ranks
2.8 - Uniforms
2.9 - Holy Sites
2.0 - Holy Artefacts


29-Oct-2014 23:03:57 - Last edited on 30-Dec-2014 22:46:19 by Melkarth

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Mission Statement
In-Character Aims
In-Character, we wish to establish a real presence of the Holy Church and Saradominism in the everyday lives of people, but also in the politics of the world.
From helping the poor and feeding the starving to cleansing heresy and holy war, the Church of Saradomin will be representative of his faithful.

The Church will have two sub-sectors
The Inquisition , which will seek to track down Heretics and others who commit grievous sin and bring judgement upon them,
And the Gregorian Hospitallers , who shall act as the guard and military force for the Holy See and Church, as well as aid the Inquisition in tracking down and arresting enemies of the Church. They will also aid the sick and poor in times of peace, and provide medical care to the armies of Saradomin in times of war.
They will protect pilgrims and set up hospitals & monasteries.

Out-of-Character Aims
Personally, I have always wanted to explore Crusade Era Christianity through a RuneScape roleplay medium. I recognise that the Church of Saradomin, however, is not a carbon copy of the Roman Catholic Church and that will be reflected, although much of the roleplay will derive from Western Christian religious culture throughout the period of the Central Middle Ages.

This roleplay will aim to explore the world of a Medieval organised religion and the combating of its perceived foes, the survival of man-made and interpreted religion and the service beneath a God.

Please keep in mind that there will be, at times, a very strong influence from Western Christian Culture, but I will keep it within the confines of RuneScape lore where I see fit. This roleplay, ultimately, will be based on my own interpretation of the Saradominist Faith.


29-Oct-2014 23:04:02 - Last edited on 30-Oct-2014 22:49:04 by Melkarth

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Ecclesiastical Domains
The Archdioceses of Kandarin, Asgarnia and Misthalin
Archbishops : Bishops of Camelot, Burthorpe, Varrock

The Exceptional Diocese of Karid (Al Kharid)

The Dioceses of Ardougne, Camelot, Yanille, Burthorpe, Falador, Sarim & Rimmington, Varrock, Lumbridge

Church Structure
The Archdiocese of Kandarin:
The Principal Diocese of Camelot
The Diocese of Yanille
The Diocese of Ardougne

The Archdiocese of Asgarnia:
The Rectoral Diocese of Falador
The Principal Diocese of Burthorpe
The Diocese of Sarim & Rimmington

The Archdiocese of Misthalin:
The Principal Diocese of Varrock
The Diocese of Lumbridge

The Exceptional Diocese of Karid (Al Kharid)


29-Oct-2014 23:04:05 - Last edited on 30-Dec-2014 22:49:31 by Melkarth

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Status of Church Lands
-White Wolf Mountain Cathedral, Kingdom of Camelot
-The Basilica of the Blessed Zilyana, Prince-Bishopric of Falador, Asgarnia
-The City of Falador, Prince-Bishopric of Falador, Asgarnia

Most churches are built on the property of secular lords.


29-Oct-2014 23:04:09 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2015 01:06:50 by Melkarth

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Titles & Styles
The Divine Rector of the Holy Mother Church;
His Holiness, Rector (Name), Apostolic King of Entrana, Prince-Bishop of Falador, Vicar of Saradomin, Keeper of the Cardinal Cathedral

Reference Style: His Holiness
Spoken Style: Your Holiness
Alternative: Rector

Cardinal Ecclesiarchs
These are Bishops who sit on the Grand Synod. They are entitled to the additional honorific of "Cardinal Ecclesiarch" in their style.

The Rt. R*v., Archbishop (Name) of (Diocese)

Reference Style: His Eminence
Spoken Style: Your Eminence
Alternative: None

Exceptional Bishops;
The Rt. R*v., Bishop (Name) of (Place)

Reference Style: His Eminence
Spoken Style: Your Eminence
Alternative: None

The R*v., Bishop (Name) of (Diocese)

Reference Style: His Excellency
Spoken Style: Your Excellency
Alternative: Reverend Bishop


29-Oct-2014 23:04:13 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2015 01:07:01 by Melkarth

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Suspicions and Attitudes
This post outlines the relationships and perceived relationships between the Mother Church and different entities of RuneScape, ranging from Kingdoms to individual noteworthy figures.
Here one will find a list of suspected heretics, apostates and heathens as well as pontifical records of the Church's friends.

Keep in mind that these are Church records and, unless there is consent given by the Keeper of the Books or by His Holiness IC, or otherwise acceptably learned of IC, the information within these records would be unknown.

They are on display for OOC reasons of transparency, but also for ease of reference.

Western leaders marked in Yellow, Orange or Red may be examined by the Inquisition.


The Menaphite Empire

Queen Iliara of Ardougne

King Sennis of Camelot

Queen Helena of Yanille

King of Asgarnia

>Prince Matthias of Burthorpe

]>Duke Aegidius of Sarim

Queen Elrina of Misthalin

Those Es'ir Noobs

The Pharaoh of Menaphos

The Kinshra Leaders


Believed to be pure and pious

Suspected of Heresy, Unrepentant Sin or other unholy crimes

Known, but tolerated, Heretic/Heathen

Known Heretic/Heathen/Enemy of the Church


29-Oct-2014 23:04:17 - Last edited on 04-Feb-2015 01:24:07 by Melkarth

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To apply for a position with the Church, please PM me.
This extends to Bishop- and Priest-roles.

If you have another specific part of the Church in mind, see the relative post on page 2 for who to contact, though I advise that you should contact me on that issue also.

Bishop Selection Methods
Currently, Bishop positions within the Kingdoms of Misthalin, Asgarnia and Yanille and chosen by the Holy See. To apply for a position within these Kingdoms, PM me.

Positions within Camelot and Ardougne are, due to relative legislation/state religion, selected by the relative Monarch.
For a position within these Kingdoms, one will be required to contact both myself and the relative POK leader (them to apply for the position, me to alert me of your appointment).

The Inquisition
Display name:
Character name:
Tell us a bit about your character: (Description, personal info, backstory, etc.)

After you complete the above
>>>Speak to myself and Delemis<<<

Gregorian Hospitallers
Display name:
Character name:
Tell us a bit about your character: (Description, personal info, backstory, etc.)
After you complete the above
>>>Speak to myself and Ser Arys Oak<<<

Please include the Application Title (marked in bold) on your application post.


29-Oct-2014 23:04:20 - Last edited on 23-Nov-2014 20:58:22 by Melkarth

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Event Title -
Date -
Time -
Host -
Start Point -
Location -
Summary -


29-Oct-2014 23:04:23 - Last edited on 30-Oct-2014 22:17:31 by Melkarth

Sep Member 2022


Posts: 14,783 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

People & Characters Involved
Rather than a conventional "member list", since all good Saradominist are members of the Church, this post will list all of you beautiful people who are explicit and acting members of the Church and her vital organs.

Current serving officials:
Kaiser Klaus, Archbishope Cesare Sforza,
Delemis, Bishop Tolatsson Aberdire,
Kommunisti, Archbishop Gerard de Montferrat,
Ser Arys Oak, Bishop Arys Oakheart,
Eln, Archbishop Anita Vansalder,
Rallen, Bishop Leon de Neapoli,
A Disgrace, Bishop Joseph Alomre

There is a member list for the Inquisition and Gregorian Hospitallers provided on page 2, in the relevant Ranks posts.


29-Oct-2014 23:04:27 - Last edited on 13-Feb-2015 21:00:12 by Melkarth

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