With the burning of the tower and the capture of one of the now-known Armadylean zealots that had taken over, Sir Harold and his ally had succeeded in their mission. The end of the fight was far from near, however.
King Nolfinwë's interrogation of the now-prisoner zealot- Claire of the Southerlands- led to the acquisition of the information he needed to assemble the army. An outright revolt was spreading in the south, headed by a Bishop of Armadyl close to the old Dayne Tower. The rebels sought a few, simple goals; to reinstate the Grey kings, to reinstate Armadyleanism, to drive out the Battalion and to kill the Elf King.
Once again, Sir Harold has been dispatched to gather as much information as possible on the Bishophric, alongside any allies he needs to bring along. The army marches to retake the old territory of the tower, as Nolfinwë makes plans to meet with the Guardians of Armadyl, to ensure they are not involved in this revolt against his rule.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad