Well, this is the 400th post on the thread. It's a post that'll get swept aside the moment someone else posts, but something that can't be swept aside is the event this post is commemorating. It may not be RP related, but I gave a lot of items I used to use for RP, items that've had a pretty big impact over the years.
Today marks, officially, my 15th year on RuneScape. The 15th year anniversary of my account being created. Most of that time has been spent on W42 in the roleplay scene, and I don't think I could've spent the time on this game any better. I look forward to the 20 year anniversary, thanks for the ride, everybody!
Maybe you could've spent those years getting a job.
Given that it's been three months since the last post on this thread, I feel it's pretty self-evident, but I also want to make a public post so anybody can see it. This group is highly inactive and I consider it frozen, or on hiatus, until further notice. Runescape Roleplay as it is right now is nearly entirely gone in the easily-found sense (In-Game Roleplay Forum presence + in-game hotspot presence), so I don't feel bad at all about just putting
on hold until such a time where my roleplayers decide to return to the game, or I recruit a sufficient number of would-be roleplayers.
Make no mistake, though- when we return, it'll be triumphant. I've not had idle hands, and I've continued to write and brew different stories to spring as things continue, after the hopeful resolution of the
revelation that's plastered across the thread.
, following the recent discussion on
This Thread
by Twillow, I intend to make the first step towards my own suggested re-branding. I may be alone in it, I may not, and either way is okay. I want to make it clear what game this story focuses on. So,
when this thread and associated roleplay group return
, I'll be requesting a thread name change to something along the lines of
(RS3) ï¦ï Asgarnia ï¦ï
. Consider that the sign that this is back.
Or, y'know, don't. Because I might not rename the thread. We'll see.
Hello hello again! Wow, it's been a while, hasn't it? Well, World 42 is on the upswing, and I've been planning a return since beginning talks with the new age of landclaims, soon to be very clearly defined. I intend to bring this thread and its storyline back upon the end of DXP, and with that in mind, I have a few things to say about the newest quest. Spoiler-tagging it, if you haven't played it yet I insist that you do, but if you have no interest in quests then this doesn't matter.
If anybody ever tries to tell me how an NPC will react to my roleplays or my story, be it Emily the Barkeep or Saradomin the God, I will immediately brand them as blissfully ignorant of the current game and its lore content, as well as clueless as to how any plotline may ever proceed. I'll encourage them to pick up one book and read it over and over again, because they would be so resistant to retaining information that it'll be a new experience each and every time.
Saradomin has returned to Gielinor, and we've learned that he would not have been called back for ANYTHING- even the END of the WORLD- because his high priests are so incompetent. We've learned that the Temple Knights were lead by a Chthonian Duke, which Saradomin KNEW they were a Chthonian Duke, and Saradomin was fooled into believing that he and all of his Temple Knight compatriots were loyal Saradominists defecting from Zaros. We have learned that Saradomin is very capable of being fooled, and is not so close-minded as to reject things that his creed might otherwise dictate as "Unholy". Due to Jeoffrey Sicarius' heroic ventures in Asgarnia, including the warding-off of Kandarin, I will continue to play Jeoffrey with this CANON INFORMATION in mind, under the belief that his actions subvert his wight nature and that Saradomin would NOT instantly obliterate him as foolishly argued previously.
I'd expect apologies for all the harassment I got, but I doubt anybody can swallow their pride like that
Additonally, the Temple Knight and White Knight forces are going to be played as severely weakened and under-manned due to the events of
Azzanadra's Quest
, however their faith will be strongly reinvigorated. The Saradominist presence in Asgarnia will summarily have grown less present, but much louder.
Every single lore controversy that I've been accused of has wound up either directly canonized, or theoretically supported by Jagex moderators in their discord server. I have every idea of what I'm doing, and given the vitriol that I've received over things that were not even remotely lorefails but purported as such anyways, I will steadfastly refuse to even consider complaints regarding my story comprehension. From now on, there's no point bringing them here, so don't.
That's all the updates for now, see you when DXP ends!
The Sicarius
They think they are "the many", and I "the few". They think this gives them the right to walk over me.
I'm certain that I have never read anything more retarded, egotistical, and abhorrently disgusting in my entire life. You've somehow managed to make yourself look more like an outright ass in your effort to prove yourself right. Congratulations you absolute monkey.
Good maps make good plans
22-Feb-2021 18:53:23
- Last edited on
22-Feb-2021 18:56:26
John McAfee
updated to reflect the return of this roleplay. Removed the Misthalin QFC due to Runekian no longer having interest in it since long ago.
Affiliated Threads
updated to remove roleplay groups that either no longer exist or are no longer active under any capacity, making room for new ones as they come along.
updated to remove players who haven't been seen since applying, or don't have an interest in being involved anymore. Additionally touched up the Inactive tags on players who are still interested, but
not right now.
The Sicarius
They think they are "the many", and I "the few". They think this gives them the right to walk over me.