Saying that Poks need to be shut down is really dumb.
The only two remotely active groups on W42 are Misthalin (Pok) and Ardougne (Pok). The rest of the world is dead because nobody is interested in the things Void proposed should be the main way of roleplaying. Nobody is forcing anybody to interact with a Pok. Nobody is preventing you from starting up another hero academy or another non-Pok group. If you honestly think that tanking seventeen years of roleplay history is the only real course of action to ‘save’ or ‘change’ W42 you are dense as hell but at least don't keep it to all talk. Either way, Pok roleplay is not the problem. It’s simply putting out bullshit based on absolutely nothing but a gut feeling like Void does to sound smart instead of being out there like Lord Pyro or JohnProctor2 actually creating roleplay.
Threads like these bring us nowhere, it’s just a place for people to look cool and sound smart when meanwhile they do absolutely nothing for the in-game environment. Being too wrapped up in their own image of how important they are to the server of W42, that’s not something exclusive to a Pok btw, Void.
23-Mar-2019 11:42:24