
Growth & Change RP/Community

Quick find code: 237-238-407-66205993

Oct Member 2012


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Now let's say that the Asgarnia that Al Kharid connected with wasn't that fun to connect with. Maybe the Kharid players have a problem with the leadership, or some of the Asgarnia players just rub the Kharid guys the wrong way. Well, next time they need something, they go to the other Asgarnia. Wow, things sure are wildly different between Asgarnias! That means things have changed a lot across the borders. Absolutely no canon issues storyside, and no drama and bickering is needed because Kharid and Asgy1 aren't required to interact. Uh oh... Asgy1 and Kharid1 both want to connect with Ardougne1. But Asgy1 and Kharid1 have issues with each other! What do they do??? Well, they don't interact. They can both connect with Ardougne1 and then go their separate ways. You're getting the picture, I presume.

The point of this is transitioning POK's from being this large overarching force that it was seen as into a new way to play game master. If you claim an area, your main goal is to GM it, manipulate the weather and add multipliers that the people inside your area can react to. A drought, a famine, maybe there's a plenty going on, hey guys is that a demon army?? If people don't like the way you GM, then they don't join. There's no drama, there's no arguing required, and there's no sense of urgency or stress to make things happen.

Now for the sake of argument, let's assume that you claim a large region. I've claimed Asgarnia, for example, and have that as my bubble. I have a friend, Ashtoreth, who claims Port Sarim! Well, that means she has a bubble, inside my bubble. She has an area she GM's, and whenever she GM's something, it doesn't apply to the rest of Asgarnia. But when I GM something, it applies to hers, because she's put herself under my GMing. If my Asgarnia claim dies but her Port Sarim doesn't, then that means she's now her own independent bubble until she chooses to join another one.
The Sicarius |
They think they are "the many", and I "the few". They think this gives them the right to walk over me.

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02-Mar-2021 18:23:51 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2021 18:32:39 by RiDaku

Oct Member 2012


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"But Daku," you may be asking, "Wouldn't it be confusing for a new player to come to the forums and see three different Asgarnias? Wouldn't it be weird to see four Misthalin groups (following the new yak track hype)?" Well, I'm not exactly sure why they would unless they come with the predisposition that there'd be one massive overarching canon that everybody adheres to. If you go to clan recruitment you don't expect to see only ONE clan for bossing. Similarly, why would there be only ONE "clan" for activities in Asgarnia, or Misthalin? Is there only ONE dungeons and dragons campaign for slaying a dragon? Why wouldn't you have a selection?

Any roleplay that advertises itself is a public roleplay. No public roleplay should be expected to adhere to every single other player's beliefs and preferences, or one standardized system (dice/freeflow text/etc). Bureaucratizing roleplay into being a vote system is going to be messy and leaving many people feeling put off no matter HOW you organize it. The way it should be, and the way the new upstarting community is looking to do it, is the way I've presented it here. Free of OOC competition and full of OOC freedom.
The Sicarius |
They think they are "the many", and I "the few". They think this gives them the right to walk over me.

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02-Mar-2021 18:32:44 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2021 18:39:47 by RiDaku

Jul Member 2010


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Leaving aside all points made as to how 'things should be' in the POK scene, the schematics of a voting system is simply too much of a hastle. Who's votes should count as actual 'members of the community' and which ones are simply spitefull lurkers trying to vote against people they dislike? What even makes you able to vote and who should set the recuirements to be able to vote? Could we look for arbiters that are neutral enough? Would voting with 10 people or so make sense? Do I get rank choice votes or is it winner needs a minimum amount of votes to win? What if candidates want different borders for their POK? Invasions? Grace period? NPC army use? Etc.

If a group of friends want to present their network of POK's and POC's through a collective thread as their 'landclaims' that's fair game. The anarchy system where everyone gets to have a 'claim' on everything works fine as it is when the population is low anyways so why bother going over incredibly detrimental debates regarding landclaims. The big overarching canon was something unique to RSRP but it simply can't function under friction when the population is this low. Having the ability to host whatever you want without any drama seems like a good thing over having to continuesly appease our roleplay to a shattered overaching canon for the sake of tradition.
Quickly learn how to Roleplay on RuneScape!

I am bad and that's good, I will never be good and that's not bad, there's no one I'd rather be than me.

02-Mar-2021 19:12:47

An Archivist

An Archivist

Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
These are all fair points - and it's not a discussion I'm currently too invested in. I used to run a few POKs in W41 and I'd say at it's peak W41 had *enough* people that you still had a few PoKs left over. I found that the main source of conflict is the community itself and less to do with the mechanics.

I think quite honestly, we need to be less toxic and less personal. I'd have a hard time believing that skillers, PvMers, PKers, etc take their pastimes in RuneScape so seriously as Roleplayers - there is something to be said for taking to chill pill.

I'd love to hear some more diversity of opinions on the different points that I've put forward and the points that are coming up on Lord Pyro's thread . Land claims and POK are really specific to W42 and to a lesser extent W41. I haven't jumped into those scenes *quite* yet. Though I'll be making applications sometime this week I hope.

But on an aside, I am pretty happy so far with the nuanced discussion and the relative openness this community has for some constructive criticism and development.

Maybe land claims threads and the related ideas with it aren't ideal.

also re: criticism for elections - yeah I think the only way I see this happening is via third-party software or if Jagex implements a voting system in the game. I think Clans both in OSRS and RS3 would be a pretty ideal spot for an update like this. They already have the capacity to calculate votes to the general community in OSRS through voting booths that have a fixed time that they can be open for and with anonymized results.

So maybe an easier thing to do in POK with their own rulesets or worlds like 342 that already have a centralized hub friend chat and I'm sure a soon-to-be centralized clan for OSRS roleplayers.

I use centralized to mean concentrated in one chat and one group as opposed to many, I don't mean centralized in a "we have a central authority".
Archivist by training, Roleplayer by choice. I go by That Canada in RS3, this is how I roll in old school.

02-Mar-2021 19:49:06

Jul Member 2023


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I love the idea of a set amount of points that players are allowed to distribute to their characters. Really keeps characters grounded in reality and forces them to have strengths and weaknesses.

I also love the idea of using dice-roll combat. As someone who is lackluster at descriptive combat, it would make the whole process a lot smoother and more fun. Also reigns in people who are stubborn and won't allow their characters to take a hit.

If Jagex were willing to throw us a bone, I think adding a dice-roll function to the Quick Chat menu, or something similar, would be fantastic. It would eliminate the need for third party apps like Discord.

03-Mar-2021 00:03:02

An Archivist

An Archivist

Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I was going to save this for my video, but the main reason they won't do that is because of gambling.

There used to be a dice bag in RS3. It was removed after a year or so because the RP community to my knowledge didn't use it. It instead was used in gambling houses in POH. I think it'd be a hard sell or a short-lived sell if Jagex were to reintroduce them.

I'll also be honest - I didn't even use them - the idea didn't even occur to me until I had started Roleplaying with tabletop games like D&D.

I wish they did because I imagine for some people using discord might be a bit intimidating, a barrier or even be a potential privacy risk for some if we have bad-faith actors in those discords. But, it'd a tough sell imo.

Otherwise, I'm happy that the stat-system is so far being well received and I'm glad to hear that there already has been some experimentation with the concept.
Archivist by training, Roleplayer by choice. I go by That Canada in RS3, this is how I roll in old school.

03-Mar-2021 02:25:41 - Last edited on 03-Mar-2021 02:26:24 by An Archivist

Sep Member 2007


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oh god it's another one of these threads.

My opinion on the issue of electing leaders for PoKs is sort of here and there, between everything said. I actually believe that electoral systems as a form of choosing a succeeding leader can be an interesting concept, but only when it is done in-character. This way, the politics, tension and conflict is developed and played through entirely in-character, rather than among members of the community as Pyro's system seems to suggest.

As mentioned above, the issue with PoKs as they were, lies in the exclusive status that a PoK leader in the overarching "public canon" had. This starts conflict between members of the community, because people who do not get along are made to interact with each other if they want part in it. Personally, I look at roleplay as a source of fun and entertainment, and it should be enjoyed with friends. It's easy to dismiss this as oversensitive and, 'obviously everyone is capable of behaving like adults, right?'

However, from where I'm looking at it, we have been playing this way for literally over a decade, and it has given proof time and time again that trying to get everyone together and maintain some sort of collaborative "public community," is what's ridiculous and impractical; rather we should just not concern ourselves with some convoluted gameplan that will achieve nothing, only because there is absolutely no reason to have this conversation over and over again. Seriously, I really hate to be a buzzkill and mess with the flow here, but, like, if you have ideas for a roleplay you'd like to get started, then you should collab with people who want what you want.

Pitching any of this to the community is pointless, and not just because approximately less than 10 people actually roleplay, but because there really is no need for this sort of debate and discussion if it's something you and your pals want to do. You're going to be much better off that way, I think.
Hi, I'm Dan.

03-Mar-2021 11:26:31 - Last edited on 03-Mar-2021 11:49:08 by Dansplainer

Sep Member 2007


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@An Archivist,

Your ideas seem pretty sound, though. I encourage and support efforts to bring new roleplayers into roleplaying in-game, absolutely, 100%. I'm not sure about applying any sort of encompassing standard on the scale of, like, the roleplaying community, but, I've been part of groups that do dice rolls and stuff like that, and it can be fun. It just makes more sense as a choice groups of roleplayers or individual freelancing roleplayers should make on their own.
Hi, I'm Dan.

03-Mar-2021 11:57:49

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

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I guess it's time for my take on this

1. Yeah more advertising would be good but you don't need to talk about it you just need to do it.

2. We do need this and it's absolutely what my thread was created to discuss

3. Similar things to this have been done in the past. Which is not a criticism because they worked reasonably well but eventually fizzled out. This needs to be run in tandem with other more long-term RP opportunities such as those provided by POKs.

4. Unlikely to happen and not entirely helpful to us, to be honest.

5. This isn't an option until this community gets its act together imo. Jagex doesn't want to put a squabbling, toxic community into the spotlight.

@Croco I strongly believe that POKs are both a necessary component of rebuilding the community and an inevitability. My thread isn't specifically about them but my personal suggestions do tend to focus on them because let's face it, that's where my expertise lies.

Far as I'm concerned both styles are needed to make things work. You need the big events and the day-to-day stuff. Hell, you need variety just to stop people from getting bored and walking away.

@Rid Bubbles become echo chambers that become cliques that are impossible to join and die a slow death of inactivity and boredom.

Almost worse is from an advertising perspective they generate no outwardly visible activity. Threads go un-updated, there's no information about what RPs are being run so to the outside, no RPs are being run. If you want to keep yours then keep it, but don't ask the rest of us not to try and make something better.

@Dan Why, why, why do we have to keep pretending that we spent the last ten years doing the kind of POK style RPs I'm advocating? It's my observation that we spent the last ten years moving away from that style more and more while w42 continued to disintegrate around our ears. How far do we have to travel in the wrong direction before we decide to turn around?
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

03-Mar-2021 20:45:46

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